
Quest0-1:Go to Kim.
移动角色到Kim身旁的问号点 。
Quest0-2:Look around the apartment.
在公寓里四处逛逛,找到三个问号点,分别在厨房、浴室、玩家卧室 。
Quest0-3:Get something to eat from the fridge.
站到厨房问号点,然后点选冰箱拿吃的 。
Quest0-4:Take a shower.
站到浴室问号点,然后淋浴 。
Quest0-5:Buy yourself a bed and put it in your room.
站到玩家卧室问号点 , 然后买一张床放进来 。
QuestRelship:She(He) WILL be mine
QuestRelship-1:Win Anna(Josh)'s friendship back.
玩家和Anna(Josh)的友谊值(笑脸蓝色长条)到达一定程度即完成任务 。
QuestRelship-2:Show Anna(Josh) your romantic side. (Optional)
玩家和Anna(Josh)的浪漫值(红心蓝色长条)到达一定程度即完成任务 。
QuestRelship-3:Give Anna(Josh) the hots for you! (Optional)
玩家和Anna(Josh)的性爱值(嘴唇蓝色长条)到达一定程度即完成任务 。
Quest1:Moving in, Moving on
Quest1-1:Give Magnet a call.
打电话找Magnet帮忙 。
uest1-1:Meet Magnet and talk with him.
到酒吧找Magnet谈话 。
Quest1-2:Find a way to get in touch with Magnet again.
利用Anna(Josh)和Kim去上班时 , 进入Anna(Josh)的房间找有用的信息 。
Quest1-3:Find the key to Anna(Josh)'s album.
可在Anna(Josh)的床尾的柜子找到一本相簿,但是锁着 。
Quest1-4:Find the lock that fits Anna(Josh)'s key.
可在Anna(Josh)房门一进去的柜子找到相簿钥匙 。
Quest2:Hands to Work
Quest2-1:Get these items: a large carpet, an oriental table, two cushions and a tent.
购买一张大地毯、一张东方式矮桌、两张坐垫和一个帐棚 。
Quest2-2:Get lots of candles for a cosy atmosphere.
购买六根蜡烛(任何形式的蜡烛都可以),放在东方式矮桌的两旁(各三支) 。
Quest2-3:Arrange the objects as they were placed in Anna(Josh)'s photos.
布置烛光晚餐的场地,请看任务栏所提示的照片摆设 。比较需要注意的是,坐垫和椅子一样是有方向性的,不要摆错方向 , 不然角色会无法坐下 。
QuestOpt2:The Gardener
QuestOpt2-1:Purchase a herb-garden.
购买herb-garden这种盆栽 。
QuestOpt2-2:Take care of it and let the herbs grow.
天天帮herb-garden浇水,让它成长,完成后烹饪技能会自动+1 。。