儿童为何能“充电5分钟 玩耍一整天”?( 三 )

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3 , 《人体能量代谢与运动疲劳》
4 , Bastien Bontemps, Enzo Piponnier, Emeric Chalchat,Anthony J. Blazevich, Valérie Julian, Olivia Bocock, Martine Duclos, VincentMartin and Sébastien Ratel , ChildrenExhibit a More Comparable Neuromuscular Fatigue Profile to Endurance AthletesThan Untrained Adults Front. Physiol., 15 February 2019 |
5 , Gunn, H. M., Emilsson, H., Gabriel, M.,Maguire, A. M., and Steinbeck, K. S. (2016). Metabolic health in childhoodcancer survivors: a longitudinal study in a long-term follow-up clinic. J.Adolesc. Young Adult Oncol.5, 24–30. doi: 10.1089/jayao.2015.0036
【儿童为何能“充电5分钟 玩耍一整天”?】监制:中国科学院计算机网络信息中心