

影片讲述的是呆板人爱德华独从容古堡生存 , 直到佩格误闯城堡把他带回了大家的家 , 与佩格的女儿金相恋后却无法在1起的愿意剧童话 。该片于1990年12月14日在美国首映 , 获第18届土星奖更佳奇异电影奖、第45届英国电影和电视艺术学院奖更佳艺术带领等多个奖项。

卑劣、贪心、欺骗和纯粹、严酷的较量 , 咱们都在看着别人故事 , 殊不知在别人的故事了大家也是个卑劣的人 , 生存里的人情世故 , 故事里的不尽人意 , 本就不是1个全国的人 , 习惯了孤独 , 习惯了繁荣 , 如此很好 。

唯1彻底彰显他柔弱公然的诱人气质的电影 , 是铰剪手爱德华 , 可同时又看不了正脸 , 眼睛便是1切 。这么1个天赋的演员在本民气中却不有演出1部极真个电影 , 太遗憾了 。不晓得谁能拍出来完善的德普 。
1、E eralda won"t be here. And the rest of the neighbours, they"re really very nice.
又不是要来很多人 , 街坊们都是很正颜厉色的 。
2、—He did them just like that! —That is incredible.
—他手脚真的那么俐落 。—才1下昼工夫光阴?
3、No matter what, Edward will always be special.
不管若何 , 爱德华都是曲短长凡的 。
4、I would rather him remember me the way I was.
我只愿他记得我当年的样子 。
5、Took some shrapnel during the war, and ever since then I can"t feel a thing!
战时受的伤 , 使我没了知觉 , 1点知觉也不有 。
6、That was the single most thrillin" experience of my whole life.
这是我1生中最难忘的经历 。
七、Put those down. Don"t come any closer. Please…
放下来! 请不要再接近!
8、You don"t know about the wonderful world of teenage girls. They"re all crazy.
对奼女1点观点也不有 , 她们最疯狂了 。
9、We"re not trying to confuse him, we"re trying to make things easier, so cut the comedy.
咱们要让他大约了解现实 , 本人别再闹了 。
10、Why didn"t I set a better example? You saw how I envied Jim"s parents.
都是我做的坏典范 , 我不该爱慕占美家有钱 。
十一、Darlin", I can hardly hear myself think! Momma"s precious little baby girl…
你让我无法思忖 , 你是妈妈的瑰宝女儿 。
12、He probably wants you to pay for it yourself. It builds character. You"ll appreciate it more.
他要你独立复活 , 养成独立 , 之后你会更感激他 。
13、He gave him insides, a heart, a brain, everything.
博客他给他造了器官、心脏、脑子以及1切 。
14、Why is it snowing, Grandma? Where does it come from?If the evening when the moon rises, the moon shine my doorstep, I hope to meet La Luna me a wish, I"d like a pair of human hands. I would like to put my hands of my 喜欢r tightly over at Wye Medium, even if only once. If I have never had a warm feeling of taste, maybe I will not cold; if I did not feel too sweet 喜欢, I maybe would not have to pain. If I did not encounter the kind-pei girl, if I have never not left my room, I would not know I was such a lonely
假如清晨月亮升起的时刻 , 月光照到我的门口 , 我企望月光女神能满足我1个欲望 , 我想要1双人类的手 。我想用我的双手把我的爱人牢牢地拥在怀中 , 哪怕只要1次 。假如我从来不有品尝过温顺的感慨 , 也许我不会如许冰冷;假如我从不有感触过喜欢的甘甜 , 我也许就不会如许地疾苦 。假如我不有碰着严酷的佩格 , 假如我从来不曾脱离过我的房间 , 我就不会晓得我正本是如许的孤傲 。
