今天看到一篇介绍关于家庭成员称呼的文章,觉得还是少了些精髓 。在这简单说明一下常用的称呼 。
- 父母亲parent, father, mother,
- 爷爷奶奶 grand father, grand mother. grandpa/grandma in spoken English如果想区分爷爷还是外公的话,可以简单的说my father's father. 正式的表达方式my paternal father. 母亲一方的用maternal.一般会在家庭成员表中使用 My maternal grandpa always goes watch a movie with my litter sister.我外公好喜欢带我的小妹妹去看电影 。
- 兄弟姐妹sibling.
-Only one younger sister.
-How many years are you apart?
-She is 5 years younger than me.
- 叔叔阿姨Uncle Sam(美国),aunt Lisa, aunt美式发音是/ant/,蚂蚁一样的发音 。
- 大表姐,小堂弟cousin不管男女都是这个哦 。那表兄弟的儿子应该怎么称呼呢,可以说That little toddler is my cousin's son. 或者直接说He is my second-cousin.
- Nephew,niece外甥,外甥女
-Your uncle's?
-Nope, my cousin's house.
-How many siblings do you have?
-One bigger brother and one younger sister.
-How about your cousins?
-Around 50.
-Wow, you have a big family.
-Yep, 'cause my maternal grandma has so many children.
An Arabian guy at the aeroport:
– Name?
– Ahmed al-Rhazib.
– Sex?
– Three to five times a week.
– No, no… I mean male or female?
– Male, female, sometimes camel.
– Holy cow!
– Yes, cow, sheep, animals in general.
– But isn't that hostile?
– Horse style, doggy style, any style!
– Oh dear!
【常见的家庭称呼 家庭成员称谓】– No, no! Deer run too fast.
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