
The story of PayPal
Making the mafia
“The Founders” examines the rise and legend of PayPal

Its top brass, recounts Jimmy Soni, became one of tech’s most influential networks

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IT IS HARDLY a tech giant. PayPal, a digital-payments firm, has a market capitalisation of $135bn, compared with Amazon’s $1.6trn and Apple’s $2.8trn.
相比于亚马逊1.6万亿美元市值和苹果的2.8万亿美元市值,数字支付PayPal公司的市值才1350亿美元,它算不上一个科技巨头 。

Yet it holds a unique position in Silicon Valley mythology.
然而,它在硅谷传奇中却占有独特的地位 。

A startling number of PayPal’s co-founders and honchos have gone on to corporate greatness, earning themselves the nickname the “PayPal mafia”.
PayPal的联合创始人和老板中,有相当多的人已经拥有了宏大的企业,为自己赢得了“PayPal 黑手党”的绰号 。



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The top job at the firm was held by both Elon Musk, boss of Tesla and one of the world’s richest men, and Peter Thiel, a veteran venture capitalist and co-founder of Palantir Technologies, a data-analytics firm.
该公司的最高职位由埃隆·马斯克(特斯拉的老板、世界上最富有的人之一)和彼得·蒂尔(资深风险投资家、数据分析公司帕兰提尔科技公司的联合创始人)担任 。

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of Linked In, held various senior roles.
领英的联合创始人雷德?霍夫曼担任过各种高级职位 。

Three PayPal alumni later created YouTube; others co-founded Yelp, a popular review website, and Yammer, a social network.
三名曾经的PayPal员工在后来创立了油管;还有人联合创办了广受好评的Yelp(一个点评网站)和Yammer(一个社交网站) 。

Former employees landed senior jobs at Google, Apple and Facebook, as well as at some of the valley’s biggest venture-capital firms.
有的前员工来到谷歌,苹果和脸书就职,还有员工在硅谷最大的一些风险投资公司担任高级职位 。

Together they form “one of the most powerful and successful networks ever created”, argues Jimmy Soni in “The Founders”.
吉米?索尼在《创始人》一书中指出,他们共同组成了“有史以来最强大、最成功的社交网络之一” 。



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His well-researched book chronicles PayPal’s birth and transformation from a scrappy startup to a profitable business which, in 2002, was bought by eBay for $1.5bn.
他的书内容详实,记录了PayPal的诞生,以及它从一家混乱的初创企业转型为一家盈利企业的过程 。2002年,PayPal被易贝公司以15亿美元收购 。

The origin story starts with two other companies: Confinity, co-founded by Mr Thiel, which planned to build software to beam money between PalmPilots, then must-have devices for businessfolk;

and, co-founded by Mr Musk, which was meant, as he put it, to be “the Amazon of financial services”, offering internet users everything from mortgages to credit cards to insurance.
及由马斯克共同创立的X.com公司,用他的话说,是“金融服务业里的亚马逊公司”,该公司为网络用户提供从抵押贷款、信用卡到保险的一条龙服务 。

Both found success with features that let customers transfer money using email.
这两家公司都通过让客户使用电子邮件转账的功能获得了成功 。

Initially rivals, the firms merged. PayPal was the result.
最初两家相互竞争的公司合并成了PayPal公司 。

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The story of its rise is gripping. PayPal was born during the internet boom of the late 1990s, when money poured into Silicon Valley.
这家公司崛起的故事振奋人心 。PayPal诞生于互联网爆发的20世纪90年代末期,那时候大量资金涌入硅谷 。

The fierce competition fomented by the investment in turn generated intense pressure; all-nighters were common.