初一英语高频词汇有哪些 初一高频英语单词

初一英语高频词汇有哪些 初一高频英语单词

高频短语1: look for 与 find
look for 找到,强调寻找这一动作,不一定找到 。
find 找到,强调找到这一结果 。
I lost my new watch last week.I ________ it everywhere, but I couldn’t ________ it.
A.looked for; look for
B. found; look for
C. looked for; find
D. found; find
He’s _______ his English book, but he can’t _________ it.
A. find; look for
B. looking for; find
C. find; looking for
D. look for; find
正确答案:B 有不会的敲评论区小黑板

高频短语2:in front of 与 in the front of
in front of 强调一个物体在另一个物体外部的前面 。(外不the)
in the front of 强调一个物体在另一个物体内部的前面 。(里the)
—Why are you standing, Mary?
—I can’t see the blackboard clearly. Two tall girls are sitting ________ me.
A. in front of
B. next to
C. in the front of
【错题原因分析】:这里在......前面这两个词汇辨析不透彻 。原文:两个高的女孩子在我的前面,所以一个物体在另一个物体外部的前面,答案选择A 。
A bird is _______ the classroom. My math teacher is standing _______ the classroom.
A. in front of; in the front of
B. in the front of; in the front of
C. in the front of; in front of
D. in front of; in front of
正确答案:A 有不会的敲评论区小黑板

高频短语3:watch, look 与 see
watch 意为“观看”,常用来表示观看比赛、看电视等 。watch TV
look 意为“看”,强调看的动作,可单独使用,用于引起别人的注意 。
see 意为“看见”,强调看的结果 。
Please ________ the blackboard. What can you _______?
A. look; see
B. look at; see
C. look; look
D. find; look at
【错题原因分析】句意“请看黑板,你能看到 什么?”第一空看的动作,第二空看的结果,答案锁定A.
___________! What’s that? I can’t __________ it.
A. See; look
B. Look; look
C. Look; see

高频短语4:speak, say, talk 与 tell
speak 强调说的动作,作及物动词时,常用表示语言的名词作宾语, 还可用于在较为正式的场合发表演讲或演说.
say 强调说话的内容,常用作及物动词.
talk 强调双方交谈,一般用作不及物动词,talk to sb/talk sb about sth
tell 意为“告诉”,作为及物动词,后跟双宾语,构成 tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. 结构
—Can Lucy _____ that in Chinese?
—Sorry, I don’t know. But she can _____ English.
A. say; speak
B. tell; talk
C. speak; say
speak 强调说的动作,常用表示语言的名词作宾语;speak English
say 强调说话的内容;say that
talk 强调双方交谈;
tell 意为“告诉”,构成 tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb.
You can _______ English, and can you _______ me how to ________ this word in English?
A. tell; speak; say
B. speak; tell; talk
C. speak; say; talk
D. speak; tell; say
正确答案:D 有不会的敲评论区小黑板

高频短语5: die of与 die from
若死因存在于人体之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词 of 。
若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因),一般用介词 from。
In both cities and countries, more and more people die __________ poisonous food (有毒食品).
A. of
B. down
C. out
D. from
【错题原因分析】:die of与 die from两个词组理解不透彻,die from 常用于指由于外部原因造成的死亡,答案锁定D.
More and more people ______ cancer nowadays.
A. die to
B. die of
C. die in
D. die on
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