大学生手机使用情况调查 大学生手机使用情况调查问卷

要求:120词以上 。

The Survy on Mobile Phone Use of College StudentsWith the popularization of electronic equipment, mobile phones have gradually become an indispensable equipment for contemporary college students. According to this, we collected 51 questionnaires on mobile phone use of college students.
译文:随着电子设备的普及,手机逐渐成为当代大学生必不可少的装备 。据此,我们收集了51份大学生手机使用调查问卷 。
Data show that more than half of the people who use mobile phones for more than six hours a day and only 2% of them use mobile phones for less than two hours. But obviously, everyone cannot do without the use of mobile phones. Most people say that they or the people around them are addicted to mobile phones. The people involved in the survey used mobile phones for many purposes. Among them, the number of people who are used for learning and consulting materials is the largest, accounting for about nine tenths. At the same time, there are many people who are used to watch TV plays, swipe videos, play games, socialize and shop, about 60% to 80%. Many people think that mobile phones can make life more convenient, but there are also four people who think that mobile phones are indispensable and even harmful.
译文:数据显示,每天使用手机的时间超过六个小时的占一半以上,低于两个小时的只有百分之二 。但显然,每个人都离不开手机的使用 。大多数的人表示他们自己或者身边人沉迷于手机 。参与调查的人使用手机的目的有很多种 。其中,用于学习,查阅资料的人最多,约占十分之九 。同时,用来看电视剧,刷视频,打游戏,社交,购物的人也很多,约百分之六十到百分之八十 。很多人认为手机可以使生活更便捷,但也有四个人认为手机可有可无甚至有危害 。
In my opinion, being addicted to mobile phones comes from escaping from various problems in life, or not arranging time reasonably, so that a lot of time is wasted on mobile phones. Therefore, reasonable arrangement of various affairs and strict implementation can well solve the problem of addiction to mobile phones.
译文:我认为,沉迷手机源于对生活中各种问题的逃避,或者不会合理的安排时间,以至于把许多时间都浪费在手机上 。因此,合理安排各项事务并严格执行,可以很好的解决沉迷手机的问题 。

大学生手机使用情况调查 大学生手机使用情况调查问卷

【大学生手机使用情况调查 大学生手机使用情况调查问卷】