
blow one's mind
I had low expectations for that restaurant. But it totally blew my mind!我对那个饭店期望很低,但它完全出乎我的意料 。
I'm in shock.
I was in (a state of) shock for about two weeks after the accident.
事故发生后,我有约两个星期都处于惊魂未定的状态 。
My jaw is about to drop惊掉下巴
The match I have just seen was jaw dropping
I'm taken aback. take sb aback
The news really took us aback.
这消息着实令我们吃了一惊 。
I was thrown a loop
I'm thrown off.
I was completely thrown off guard when my best friend said she was pregnant!听到我最好的朋友怀孕了让我完全大吃一惊 。
I'm blown away. blow sb away
The ending will blow you away.
结局会让你无比惊喜 。
raise a few eyebrows
Jemma's miniskirt raised a few eyebrows at the board meeting.
knock one's socks off
I'm going to take you to a restaurant that'll knock your socks off.
我准备带你到一家餐厅去,你会大吃一惊的 。
#英语拔尖交流# #14天学习打卡挑战#

