
In recent years ,NEC has developed various innovative solutions based on technologies such as Internet of Things ,Artificial Intelligence ,virtual Reality and Cloud Computing. Especially in Chinese market ,NEC actively serves the digitalization demands of government ,industries ,and enterprises.
At China International Fair for Trade in Service 2020 ,NEC launched 12 newly developed software products and solutions ,covering smart office ,smart tourism ,smart elderly care ,smart education and smart travel ,hoping to help Chinese customers better respond to the new challenges raised by this global pandemic.
According to NEC China’s President Takeshi Tsukamoto ,China took the lead in showing its determination to promote openness and digitalization ,together with other countries. Therefore ,NEC looks forward to contributing more to China's economic and social development.
近年来 , 全球500强企业NEC研发出基于物联网、人工智能、虚拟现实、云计算等技术的各种解决方案 。 尤其在中国市场上 , NEC积极服务政府、行业、企业的数字化发展需求 。
在2020年中国国际服务贸易交易会上 ,NEC推出12项最新研发的软件产品及解决方案 , 涵盖智慧办公、智慧旅游、智慧养老、智慧教育、智慧出行等领域 , 希望以此助力中国客户更好应对新冠肺炎全球流行所引发的新型挑战 。
【市场|这家“全球500强”为何青睐中国市场?】NEC(中国)有限公司总裁塚本武表示 , 中国率先表明与世界各国共同推动市场开放和数字化的决心 。 为此 , NEC期待能够为中国数字化发展作出更大贡献 。