世界|世界经济论坛:2025年半数工作将由机器完成( 二 )

WEF said currently around a third of all work tasks were handled by machines, with humans doing the rest, but by 2025 the balance would shift.
世界经济论坛表示 , 目前约三分之一的工作任务由机器处理 , 人类做其余的工作 , 但是到2025年二者位置将会颠倒 。
Roles that relied on human skills such as advising, decision-making, reasoning, communicating and interacting would rise in demand. There would also be a "surge" in demand for workers to fill green economy jobs, and new roles in areas like engineering and cloud computing.
顾问、决策、推理、交流和互动等依靠人类技能的工作岗位需求量将会增加 。 绿色经济领域的工作岗位以及工程和云计算等领域的工作岗位需求量也会“暴增” 。
But it said millions of routine or manual jobs would be displaced by technology, affecting the lowest paid, lowest skilled workers the most.
但是世界经济论坛表示 , 数百万常规或体力工作岗位会随着技术发展被替代 , 其中收入最低、技能含量最低的工人受影响最大 。
It said millions would need to be re-skilled to cope with the change, while governments would have to provide "stronger safety nets" for displaced workers.
世界经济论坛称 , 数百万人需要重新接受技能培训来应对改变 , 而政府则必须为下岗员工提供“更强大的安全网” 。