上海纽约大学 职业发展中心实习生CDC Admin
Position Summary:
The NYU Shanghai Career Development Center helps students prepare for the professional world ahead and secure a position that fits both their experiences and career aspirations. Career Development Center aims to provide comprehensive career guidance. We connect students to faculty, employers, alumni, and other organizations to help them achieve personal and professional success. From one-on-one career counseling to practice interviews, career fairs, and networking events, our team of committed career development professionals will be with students every step of the way!
? Supporting big events such as on-campus job fair, career fair, networking events, seminars, lunch lectures, panel talks and workshops logistically.
? Helping with marketing and branding by taking photos and videos.
? Searching and organizing industry news and job opportunities.
? Maintaining and Updating news, photos and videos on social media, such as NYU Shanghai website and OrgSync.
? Conducting research and collecting data about career related information, such as campus recruitment deadlines, industry news and so on.
? Managing office and conference room. Maintaining stationery and equipment.
? Assisting with administrative tasks such as daily copying, printing, newsletters writing.
? Organizing and storing paperwork, documents and computer-based information.
? Supporting office administration such as purchasing, payment process document, copying, etc.
? Bachelor or Master’s degree students, excellent leadership preferred.
? Proficient in both written and spoken English and Mandarin.
? Good at graphic designing and event planning is a plus.
? Good interpersonal and communication skills to work in an international and crosscultural environment.
? Good problem solving skills and good time management skills.
? High professional integrity, honesty and trust. ? Well organized, diplomatic, details and service oriented.
? At least three days per week and lasts for four months.
? Chance of learning career related knowledge to enhance personal development.
? Experience of working in an international environment.
? Helpful and supportive colleagues.
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