Femorning Daily 28.02.2018
本文《Femorning Daily 28.02.2018》是傻大方资讯网小编整理于开放的互联网,版权归原作者所有。
1. Shanghai Securities News report, the reform of fiscal andtaxation system, especially the reform of financial relations between thecentral and local government, has recently become one of the hot topics.Insiders said that fiscal and taxation system reform has entered a crucialstage. The pace of fiscalreform of central and local government will certainly speed up,
1、上证报消息,财税体制改革尤其是央地财政关系改革,最近再次成为热点话题之一。业内人士表示,财税体制改革已经进入攻坚阶段。 央地财政关系改革步伐肯定会加快,
2. Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republicof China news, since the "Ten Atmospheres" has implemented over thepast five years, it has accomplished the goal of air quality improvement in anall-round way and major projects and major measures that support theimprovement of air quality have overfulfilled, solving many air pollutionprevention and control problems and preliminarily establishing the airpollution prevention and control system mechanism. In the next step, we will study and formulate plans to win the Battle of the Blue Sky
2、环保部消息,《大气十条》实施五年来,全面实现空气质量改善目标,支持空气质量改善的重大工程和重大措施超额完成,解决了多项大气污染防治难题,初步建立了大气污染防治体制机制。下一步, 将研究制定打赢蓝天保卫战作战计划,
3. The Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic ofChina issued the “Guiding Opinion on Deepening the Reform of Farmland WaterConservancy”. The guideline also proposed that the mode of agricultural wateruse should be innovated to promote the upgrading of farmland water conservancyfacilities. The comprehensivereform of agricultural water tariffs will speed up to refine the goal of reform
3、水利部印发《深化农田水利改革的指导意见》,指导意见还提出,要创新农业用水方式,推进农田水利设施提挡升级; 加快农业水价综合改革,实化细化改革目标;
4. According to the data released by the Insurance Association ofChina, the total Internet property insurance premium income totaled 49.349billion yuan in 2017, a year-on-year decrease of 1.75%. The proportion of auto insurance in the internet property insurancebusiness continued to decline, accounting for 62.25%.
4、保险行业协会公布数据显示,2017年,累计互联网财产保险保费收入493.49亿元,同比负增长1.75%, 其中互联网财产险业务中车险占比不断下滑, 2017 年占比为 62.25% ,
5. Securities Times news, many places raised the mortgage interest rates this year.
5、证券时报消息, 今年以来,多地上调房贷利率。
6. According to a report released by the State Information Center,the transaction volume in the shared economic markets in 2017 was about 4,920.5billion yuan, up 47.2% over the previous year. The transaction volume in the non-financial sharing sector was2,094.1 billion yuan, an increase of 66.8% over the previous year.
6、国家信息中心发布报告称,2017年共享经济市场交易额约为49205亿元,比上年增长47.2%; 其中非金融共享领域交易额为 20941 亿元,比上年增长 66.8% 。
7. Shanghai Securities news, in the A-share market, the rhythm of mergers and acquisitions isquietly speeding up.
7、上证报消息, A 股市场并购重组的节奏正在悄然提速。
8. Securities Times news, recently, car insurance tickets known as"the heaviest punishment in history" were collectively landing. Fiveproperty insurance company branches were ordered to stop accepting new businessin commercial auto insurance for three months while 32 responsible persons werewarned and fined. The abovepunishment shows the determination of the regulatory authorities to stop thevicious competition in the sales of motor vehicle insurance
8、证券时报消息,近日,号称“史上最重处罚”的车险罚单集体落地。有5家财险公司分公司被责令停止接受商业车险新业务3个月,同时有32名相关责任人被警告并罚款。 上述处罚表明了监管部门叫停商车险销售费用恶性竞争的决心,
9. Securities Timesnews, since 2017,
the domestic OTC options market ushered inexplosive growth, especially OTC individual stock options ushered in rapiddevelopment.
The proportion ofnew OTC individual stock options to the new nominal principal amount increasedrapidly from less than 1% in December 2016 to 38% in October 2017. It isnoteworthy that the recent enthusiasm for private equity firms of participatingin individual stock options is significantly warming up. They pay closeattention to the layout, and at the same time, their participation patterns aremore diverse.
9、证券时报消息,2017年以来, 国内场外期权市场迎来爆发式增长,尤其是场外个股期权迎来快速发展。
10. China Securities Journal news, as of February 26, a total of79 real estate companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchange havedisclosed 2017 annual performance notice. 62 enterprises had good performance including the previousloss-making enterprises, accounting for up to 78.5%.
10、中证报消息,截至2月26日,沪深两市共计79家上市房企披露2017年度业绩预告,包括扭亏企业在内, 62 家房企业绩预喜,占比高达 78.5% 。
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