重磅来袭· 预告篇 | 钱颖一对话亚当·诺依曼(Adam Neumann)——

本文《重磅来袭· 预告篇 | 钱颖一对话亚当·诺依曼(Adam Neumann)——WeWork联合创始人兼CEO》是傻大方资讯网小编整理于开放的互联网,版权归原作者所有。 重磅来袭· 预告篇 | 钱颖一对话亚当·诺依曼(Adam Neumann)——

2018年4月10日,清华大学经济管理学院院长钱颖一将对话WeWork联合创始人兼CEO亚当?诺依曼(Adam Neumann)。

目前,WeWork在全球超过 71 个城市为超过21 万余会员提供办公空间、社区与服务。2017年,WeWork的估值已超过210亿美元,作为众创空间领域的“独角兽”,是当前美国最具价值的创业公司之一。

重磅来袭· 预告篇 | 钱颖一对话亚当·诺依曼(Adam Neumann)——


重磅来袭· 预告篇 | 钱颖一对话亚当·诺依曼(Adam Neumann)——


Adam Neumann

亚当·诺伊曼(Adam Neumann)是全球领先的空间、社区及服务提供商WeWork 的联合创始人 ,现任该公司首席执行官。WeWork 在全球超过 71 个城市为超过21 万余会员提供办公空间、社区与服务。2010 年,亚当先生和米格尔· 凯维先生(Miguel McKelvey)在纽约市的 SOHO区共同创了WeWork,旨在创建一个以社区为核心、坚信团队力量的办公环境。Adam和他的团队希望将 WeWork 推广普及,并且通过科技把全世界的会员都联系在一起,让大家能做所热爱的事情。

在此之前,Adam与他人合作创立了童装企业Big Tent,开发了Egg Baby儿童服饰及爬行服(Krawlers),并成为知名童装品牌。



Adam Neumann is the Co-founder and CEO of WeWork, which provides workspace, community, and services to over 210,000 members in 71 cities around the world. Adam, along with co-founder Miguel McKelvey, started WeWork in 2010 in the Soho neighborhood of New York City with the intention of creating a workspace environment centred around the idea of community, and the belief that people will achieve more together than they could on their own. 

Adam and team want to grow WeWork everywhere to serve everyone, expanding globally and focusing on building technology that connects members around the world so they are empowered to do what they love. Previously, Adam co-founded and ran Big Tent Inc., where he developed Egg Baby and Krawlers, well-known brands of children’s clothing.

Adam lives in New York City. He is the proud father of five children, and loving husband to his wife, Rebekah.
