连载 |住在Jackman Tail上的东西②
Something Lives At Jackman Trail 02
On this particular night, we had exhausted all other means of entertainment. There was literally nothing left to do. So at about 12:30 AM we decided to head to Jackman Trail and see if there was a party happening. The ride there was eventless enough, just dirt and trees and four friends goofing off. When we got there, there was no party just a few stragglers hanging out and drinking.
就在那天晚上, 我们把能玩的东西都玩了个遍, 真的没有什么好玩的了。 所以中午12点半左右,我们决定去jackman trail看看那里有没有聚会。 一路上也没发生什么, 灰很大, 两边都是树, 我们四个则在车上百无聊赖地瞎玩。 到了那后,我们发现并没有聚会, 只有几个流浪汉在那喝酒、闲逛。
We didn"t stay long and after about ten minutes we decided to try and find something else to do. So we all piled back into Marc"s car and headed out. Marc was driving, I was in the front passenger-side seat and Eric and Forest were in the back seat. Marc and I were just watching the road ahead of us and Eric and Forest were in the back seat goofing off and roughhousing. As we reached the area on the dirt road where the trees closed in around us I saw something just outside the glow of our high beams.
It looked like something small and hunched down on the left side of the road. As the headlights finally fell upon the thing I saw it fully. It was short, appearing to be only about three or four feet tall, and thin with unnaturally long arms.
我们没在那待多久, 十分钟后就决定再去找找还有什么可以玩的。 所有我们又挤进marc的车重新上路了。 Marc开车, 我坐副驾驶的位置, eric和forest坐在后座上。 marc和我看着前面的路, 而eric 和forest就在后面开开玩笑, 打打闹闹的。 就在车子开到土路中树林特别茂密的一段时, 我看到在车子远光灯没有照到的地方有个什么东西。
- End -
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