竖中指为什么不礼貌?它是怎么来的?( 二 )

In Western culture, the middle finger is an obscene hand gesture. The gesture communicates moderate to extreme contempt. It is performed by showing the back of a hand that has only the middle finger extended upwards, though in some locales, the thumb is extended. Extending the finger is considered a symbol of contempt in several cultures, especially in the West. 

在西方文化中,竖中指是一个非常粗鲁的动作。这个动作可以表示中度到极端的轻蔑。要做 这个动作,你需要把手背朝向别人,并且只让中指伸出来,不过有些地方的人会把大拇指一起伸出来。在好几个文化中,竖中指都被视为轻蔑的意思,这在西方表现尤甚。


(public intellectual)


(gas-bag politician)


This is the great demagogue.