韦斯特表示湖人签下詹姆斯并不算很难的操作:他本来就想来到洛杉( 四 )
It"s funny how much we made fun of Lakers fans for thinking they even had a chance at Lebron
"Why would he go to the Lakers? They are in the west! If he wanted to go west, he"d go to Houston. But he"ll be smart and stay east and either stay on the cavs or go to the sixers."
But he wanted to live in LA, and that"s what happened.
[–][LAL] Sasha VujacicPairedFoot08 234 指標 6小時前
I feel like I"m a massive homer but even I thought it was a longshot, I felt like if we got PG he"d definitely come but without I didn"t think it was likely
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