NFL球员眼红NBA:伤病、体型、阵容人数、球员工会决定了NBA更好( 四 )

[–]PacersSCREAMING_DUMB_SHIT 5 指標 6小時前

I mean to be fair the guy is one of the best running backs in the world in a league that makes billions yet gets payed less than bench guys in the NBA.


[–]76ersanser1233 159 指標 10小時前

If NFL gave guaranteed contracts Todd Gurley would make way less money.

要是NFL开的是保障合同的话,Todd Gurley会赚得更少的。

[–]sandman533 44 指標 9小時前

This. It doesnt change the already negotiated revenue split between the players and owners.


[–]Sunscicadaenthusiat 22 指標 9小時前