NFL球员眼红NBA:伤病、体型、阵容人数、球员工会决定了NBA更好( 九 )


[–]BucksTFaust75 103 指標 10小時前

53 vs. 15

[–]FranksGun 77 指標 10小時前

Wait till Todd learns about the salary cap in MLB...

等Todd Gurley知道MLB的工资帽后,不知会作何感想……

[–]WizardsRPDC01 22 指標 10小時前

It"s now similar to NBA - lux tax, and tax teams get hosed in the draft (1st round pick drops 10 spots automatically), and get garbage comp picks when their free agents leave.

That played a huge role in the frozen MLB free agency market.

