



天气渐凉的初冬,喝一蛊暖身的日本清酒,品一口新鲜的生鱼片,吃一碗高汤熬制的浓香乌冬面,开启对和风料理的期待。北京丽思卡尔顿酒店香溢餐厅特邀来自冲绳丽思卡尔顿酒店的名厨Yuichi Mitsui(三ツ井裕一)现场制作精美和食,在11月16日至26日期间为食客娓娓道来冲绳地道的美食风味,以及日式料理的情怀与文化。



厨师Yuichi Mitsui

被温暖海域包围的冲绳,有“日本的夏威夷”之称。其附近水域鱼获丰富,自然海鲜随处可见,能吃到新鲜度一流的刺身类、生鱼片等。Yuichi Mitsui来自于冲绳丽思卡尔顿酒店GUSUKU餐厅,担任日料主厨,这是一家完全使用当地新鲜食材的特色餐厅,让您有“吃遍冲绳御膳”的感觉。Yuichi Mitsui有着25年以上的酒店餐饮经验,曾担任东京丽思卡尔顿酒店日料副主厨,拥有三年米其林一星餐厅经验,三次酒店开业筹备和四次餐厅筹备的经验,同时他还有着丰富的日本料理知识储备,亦是一位长寿饮食法指导者。

此次做客香溢餐厅,Yuichi Mitsui将带着他心中的“冲绳味道”奉献给京城宾客。例如独具特色的冲绳苦瓜,用去瓤清炒的方式可以去除苦涩;鲜虾、低筋面粉等材料制作而成的餐前小菜日式炸虾;健康美味的烤鳕鱼柚子汁;新鲜奶油填充的冲绳甜甜圈;用泰国米和岛上天然硬质矿泉水酿制的烧酒等。Yuichi Mitsui这次把精心准备的冲绳料理带来北京,希望可以用精致的食材打造出卓越的食感,匠心工艺,美味升华。






蔬菜寿司Assorted vegetable SUSHI

The Okinawa Way·Authentic Flavor From Okinawa

Beijing China, November 9, 2017 – What is your first impression of Japanese cuisine? Sip a glass of Japanese sake or taste a bowl of udon noodles. This November, Aroma invites you to relish yourself with an exclusive and rare Okinawan food festival. Our guest chef Yuichi Mitsui from The Ritz-Carlton, Okinawa is going to showcase Okinawa’s flavors from 16thto 26thNovember, 2017.

Chef Yuichi Mitsui is from the Ritz Carlton, Okinawa,GUSUKU restaurant, which uses local ingredients and present guests authentic dishes. ChefMitsui has more than 25 years of experience in culinary, worked in Michelin guide 1 star restaurant for 3 years, and has been involving in opening of 3 hotels and 4 restaurants. He has extensive knowledge of Japanese Cuisine and he is also a Macrobiotic instructor.

During his visit to Aroma, he will bring Okinawan Taste to guests. For example, the distinct “GOYA CHAMPURU”, Stir fried Okinawan bitter melon without the bitterness and acidity; fresh shrimp and low protein flour to make the appetizer Japanese deep fried shrimp soy sauce; healthy and delicious “grilled cod with yuzu sauce”; “Okinawan donut with fresh cream” and a lot more. He brings those Okinawan Tastes to Beijing, and he will use only delicate food ingredients to create remarkable tastes.