1:2–6 The Lord declares that final judgment will come worldwide, then pronounces specific judgments against faithless Judah. We also deserve God’s anger when we replace God and His Word with what we find exciting, entertaining, or perhaps financially beneficial. But God’s Law shows us our sin and drives us to repentance. He forgives our sins because Christ, our Savior, suffered judgment in our place. ? Lord, forgive me for not always giving You first place in my life. Move me daily to seek Your guidance and help. Amen.
西番雅书1:2-6 主耶和华宣告最终的审判必会临到整个世界,接着宣告具体的审判对付悖逆不忠信的犹大。当我们以我们所找见的,令人兴奋,使我们心悦或者可能使我们在经济上得利的事物来取代上帝以及祂的话语之时,我们也配得上帝的怒气。但上帝的律法显明我们的罪并且驱赶我们悔改。因着基督我们的救赎主代替我们的位置为我们承受刑罚,祂赦免我们的罪。主,赦免我没有总是将你放在我生命中首要位置的罪。每日感动我寻求你的引导和帮助。阿们。
1:7–18 God’s day of wrath would come swiftly on the people of Judah because of their materialism, worldliness, and general disobedience. The final Day of Judgment will likewise come unexpectedly, as a thief in the night (1Th 5:2). We have all missed the mark of God’s perfection and deserve only His punishment, now and eternally. However, God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to endure the punishment for our sins. All who believe in Jesus have no need to fear the Day of Judgment. ? Lord, fill me with joyful anticipation for the day of Your return. Give me confidence that I shall stand before You cleansed and holy because of Jesus. Amen.
西番雅书1:7-18 因着他们的物质主义,贪恋世俗和普遍的悖逆,上帝忿怒的日子必会迅速临到犹大的百姓。最终审判的日子必会同样来的毫无声息,就像夜里的贼(帖上5:2)。我们都偏离了上帝完美的靶心,只配受祂的刑罚,不仅是现在,而且是在永恒中。然而,上帝如此爱世人,祂差遣祂的独生子来为我们的罪承受刑罚。所有信靠耶稣的人不需要惧怕那审判的日子。主,以喜乐的期盼充满我,等候你归来的日子。赐给我信心,知道我必会因着耶稣圣洁无罪地站在你面前。阿们。
?Ch 2 Zephaniah urges the people of Judah to seek the Lord, then describes the devastation that will fall on neighboring nations because of their sins. We, too, are guilty of arrogance, pride, and boasting. The Lord calls us to humble repentance and, through trust in Jesus as our Savior, He promises to shield us from His anger. ? Lord, may I never boast except in the cross of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.
西番雅书2章 西番雅催促犹大的百姓寻求主耶和华,接着描述了因着邻邦国家的罪必会临到他们身上的毁灭。我们在傲慢,自尊以及夸耀上也是有罪的。主耶和华呼召我们谦卑地悔改,并且藉着对我们救赎主耶稣的信靠,祂应许了要保护我们脱离祂的忿怒。主,愿我永远只在我救主耶稣的十字架里夸耀。阿们。
3:1–8 The city of Jerusalem, including its leaders, refuses to return to the Lord. Such impenitence brings upon them God’s day of wrath. These things are meant as a warning for us (1Co 10:6), as Jesus preached, “Repent and believe in the gospel” (Mk 1:15). All who believe in Jesus will escape everlasting punishment. ? Lord Jesus, be merciful to me, a sinner, and spare me on the Day of Judgment. Amen.
西番雅书3:1-8 耶路撒冷城以及其中的首领拒绝归向主。这样的顽梗使得上帝发怒的日子临到他们。这些事件也是给我们的警告(林前10:6),正如耶稣所传讲的那样,“你们当悔改,信福音”(可1:15)。所有信靠耶稣的人必会逃脱永恒的刑罚。主耶稣,怜悯我这个罪人,并且在那审判的日子赦免我。阿们。
3:9–13 Along with the remnant in Israel, nations from around the world will call on the name of the Lord and serve Him. Once proud and haughty, these people will now praise God because Jesus has paid the price for their rebellious deeds. You and I are part of this great communion of saints. ? Lord, help me always praise Your name and find refuge in Your protection. Amen.
西番雅书3:9-13 同以色列的余民一起,全地万族都要呼求主耶和华的名并且服侍祂。曾经是自傲和亵慢的,如今这些民族赞美上帝,因为耶稣已经为着他们悖逆的行为付了代价。你和我都是这伟大圣徒相通的一部分。主,帮助我总是赞美你的名,在你的护佑下寻求避难。阿们。
3:14–20 Zephaniah urges God’s people to fear no evil but instead to rejoice over their coming salvation. Fear may hinder us from witnessing of God’s love and mercy; how wrong and foolish that would be! God has redeemed us in Christ. He will always be with us, and someday He will take us to the heavenly Jerusalem. ? Lord God, make me a bold witness of Your saving power. Amen.
西番雅书3:14-20 西番雅催促上帝的子民不要惧怕邪恶,却要在快要临到他们的救恩中欢喜快乐。恐惧可能会拦阻我们见证上帝的慈爱和怜悯;这样会是多么离谱和愚昧啊!上帝已经在基督里拯救了我们。祂必总是与我们同在,并且有一天祂必会带领我们回到天上的耶路撒冷。主上帝,使我成为你救赎权能的勇敢见证。阿们。
1:1–11 The Lord chastises His people for being concerned about their own houses while His sacred house lies in ruins. The Lord’s work suffers today when we take care of our own material wants and needs but fail to support the work of proclaiming the Gospel. Jesus had a different priority. He came to serve, giving His life as a ransom for us. Though He was rich, for our sakes He became poor so that we might become rich (2Co 8:9). The riches we have received in Him move us to become rich in our love for Him and others. ? Dear Jesus, fire me with zeal to have You first in my life. Unite me in service with others. Amen.
哈该书1:1-11 主耶和华指责祂的百姓,因为他们只顾他们自家的房屋,而祂的圣所却荒凉破败。今天当我们只顾我们自己物质上的需要和缺乏,却没有支持宣扬福音的事工之时,主的圣工就会遭损。耶稣对事情重要性的排序是不一样的。祂来是为了服侍,将祂的生命舍了,作我们的赎价。尽管祂是富足,然而为了我们的缘故祂却成为贫穷,好叫我们可以变得富足(林后8:9)。我们在祂里面所领受的富足,会感动我们在对祂和邻舍的爱中慷慨。亲爱的耶稣,请用激情点燃我,来将你放在我生命的首位。请使我在服事中与他人团结在一起。阿们。
1:12–15 The people of Judah obey the Word of the Lord and begin the task of rebuilding the temple. They demonstrate repentance for their previous selfishness. The Lord in turn promises to be with them, and He stirs up the spirit of the people and their leaders to work hard. Through Word and Sacrament, God is present with us today. His Spirit stirs us to repentance and gives us a burning desire to serve Him. ? Lord God, bless my hearing and my doing of Your holy will. Amen.
哈该书1:12-15 犹大的百姓顺从主的话语,开始圣殿重建的工作。他们表现出对之前自私自利的懊悔。主耶和华反过来应许要与他们同在,并且祂也激动百姓和他们领袖的灵更加努力作工。藉着圣道和圣礼,上帝今日与我们同在。祂的圣灵激动我们悔改,赐给我们燃烧的心来服事祂。主上帝,赐福我对你神圣旨意的聆听和遵行。阿们。
2:1–9 The Lord encourages His people to continue their work of rebuilding the temple with the assurance that He will be with them and that in the future, the glory of this house will be greater than the first temple. Do we at times become discouraged thinking that God’s Church and the preaching of His Word count for nothing in this world? The Lord assures us that it is here we find our greatest treasure: forgiveness of sins and peace in Christ our Savior. ? Praise to You, O Lord, for establishing Your glorious Church and for the peace that she proclaims. Amen.
哈该书2:1-9 主耶和华给祂的百姓以确据,说祂必与他们同在并且将来这殿的荣耀必会超过之前的那所,以此鼓励他们继续圣殿重建的工作。我们是否有时会变得泄气,以为上帝的教会和祂话语的传讲在这个世界上算不了什么?主耶和华使我们确信,我们寻得我们最美的财宝正是在此:罪的赦免和平安在我们救主基督里面。主啊,赞美归给你,因着你建立你荣耀的教会,还有她所宣扬的平安。阿们。
2:10–19 The people have not received the blessings they expected from the Lord. And the offerings they bring to the Lord are unclean (v 14) because of their earlier failure to rebuild the temple. But now the Lord promises to bless them. The people of Judah need to realize that without this blessing, both the temple building project and their crops will suffer. We also need the Lord to bless us, for without Him, we can do nothing. By His bodily presence in Christ, He has demonstrated His gracious kindness to us. We can depend on Him to provide for all our needs, both spiritual and physical. ? Father, forgive me for the times I have lived my life without considering You. Help me depend on You to bless all that I undertake as Your child. Amen.
哈该书2:10-19 百姓还未领受他们从主耶和华那里所期盼的祝福。他们带给主的奉献是污秽的(14节),因为他们之前没能重建圣殿。但如今主耶和华应许了要祝福他们。犹大的百姓需要知道,离了这祝福,圣殿建造的工程以及他们的庄稼都会遭殃。藉着基督在肉身中的临在,祂已经向我们表明了祂的恩慈和良善。我们可以依靠祂赐给我们一切的所需,灵魂和身体上的。天父,有时候我在生活中无视你,请赦免我。帮助我依靠你,祝福我作为你的孩子所从事的一切。阿们。
2:20–23 Haggai concludes by looking to the future. The time was coming when the Lord would overthrow the kingdoms of the world and make His chosen servant Zerubbabel the one through whom the promise of the Savior would be realized. When we see the world in turmoil, with wars and rumors of wars across the globe and evil increasing all around, how often do we find ourselves foolishly wondering whether the Lord is in control? We need to remember that just as He did in the past, so today the Lord continues to govern all things in the interest of His kingdom. Through Jesus, the promised descendant of David and Zerubbabel, we receive forgiveness for our sins of doubt and worry. ? Heavenly Father, I praise You for sending Jesus to be my Savior from sin, my comfort in affliction, and my reason for living. Amen.
哈该书2:20-23 哈该以展望未来作为结局。时候必要来到,那时主将会倾覆世上的国度,并且拣选祂的仆人所罗巴伯,藉着他来实现那救赎主的应许。当我们看见这世界处在动荡之中,全地都是战争和战争的谣言,邪恶在各地加增的时候,我们不也是常常发现我们自己愚蠢地琢磨着主耶和华是否仍在掌权?我们需要记得,正如祂过去所做的那样,主耶和华今日也继续掌管万事万物,为着祂国度的福祉。藉着耶稣,那位应许了的,大卫和所罗巴伯的后裔,我们领受我们怀疑和焦虑之罪的赦免。天父,我赞美你差遣耶稣成为我脱离罪的救赎主,我在患难中的安慰,我活着的理由。阿们。