


骑士跟队记者McMenamin报道,罗斯在被问到他与阿迪的剩余大合同的时候说:"我根本不在乎,没有不尊重任何人的意思,但是我他 妈 的根本不在乎这些钱,我不是为钱才继续打球的,我已经存了足够的钱,如果我自己想退役的话,我早就退役了"

[McMenamin] Derrick Rose on his leftover money on his Adidas Contract: "Man, I don"t care about not to be rude I don"t care about no fucking money.It"s not about that. I"ve saved up enough money. It"s not about that. If I wanted to leave, I would have left."



Rose declined to answer how close he was to retirement during his nearly two-week absence from the Cavs, nor would he disclose his whereabouts during that time. He was adamant, however, that the reported $80 million remaining on his Adidas contract, which he was in jeopardy of losing should he have decided to walk away from the NBA for good, was not his motivating factor in his return.



"Man, I don"t care about -- not to be rude -- I don"t care about no f---ing money," Rose said. "It"s not about that. I"ve saved up enough money. It"s not about that. If I wanted to leave, I would have left. Like I said, coming back here, starting with rehab that"s my first step. Keeping it simple and just giving my team support and then I"ll see what I see off the court."


He also refuted a reporter who asked if he requested a trade during his absence. "No, no, no, no, no, no. Trade? No," Rose said. "Come on, man. I"m on one of the best teams in the league? Why would I ask to get traded? They gave me every opportunity and still are going to give me every opportunity that I would want from any other team too and that"s just to hoop. I just want to hoop."


Guess he saved enough money throughout his career. Hope he"s able to stay on the court



[–]NetsLanaRhoades- 1084 指標 8小時前

wtf would that reporter ask if Rose wanted to be traded lol? were there any indications of that ever?

everyone knew that he wasn"t happy, not because of the team but injuries and just his mental state

It"s sad to see such a talented player go through this, youngest MVP ever, might be the biggest what if ever



[–][BOS] Kelly OlynykSlayer_Of_Anubis 190 指標 8小時前

Rose, Bias, Hardaway, Manning...


[–]CelticsD0NTWORRIES 220 指標 7小時前

Yeah, not trying to be a homer when I say this, but I don"t know how Bias can"t be the biggest what-if.


[–]BludFlairUpFam 153 指標 7小時前

You could make a case for Sabonis since he actually showed his NBA ability as well.


[–]CelticsAdolf_Hitsblunt 65 指標 5小時前

I think Sabonis has to be the biggest what if. 7"3, extremely strong but very mobile, had a jumper, had an amazing post game, incredible passer. Played at an all star level with injury that most people wouldn"t even be able to walk with. Fuck the USSR national team for robbing us of seeing him play his prime in the NBA


[–][DAL] Brian Cardinalmgmfa 10 指標 6小時前

I"m gonna throw Oscar Schmidt in the discussion as well.


[–]CelticsD0NTWORRIES 42 指標 6小時前

I think Sabonis is an interesting candidate, but not Schmidt. He was a pure scorer who never really passed and couldn"t be assed to play defense 95% of the time. I think the very best case scenario for him would have been a better-offensively, worse-defensively Klay Thompson.


[–]KnicksFvckyourdreams 51 指標 7小時前

A healthy G-Hill is above all those guys


[–][GSW] Chris Webberjnovprime 20 指標 5小時前

Seriously, that guy was

 the ONE. With other players on this list there is a great deal of speculation involved, but we saw what G Hill could do. And he was just getting ready to kick things into high gear with the Magic.


[–]Nuggetsclancydog4 42 指標 5小時前

I mean, We saw what Rose and Hardaway could do, too...Rose was literally MVP, Hardaway had 2 1st team all NBA"s under his belt in his first 3-4 years. Grant didn"t peak way higher than those dudes. Hardaway started getting hurt at, like, 25 years old. He could"ve been absolutely incredible. Same is true of Rose. And Hill, of course, but not moreso than those guys



[–]Bullsthehoodthebadtheugly 969 指標 8小時前

Love this man. I am part of the irrational Rose mafia for life.


[–]BullsWaffle_Frisbee 321 指標 6小時前

I’ll never leave dude. I will forever believe that this man is capable of great things. I’d love him on the bulls still. kinda crazy but i just do not care whether him on the bulls makes us better or worse. I just want to see him play in red.


[–]Knicksaguyfromnewjersey 61 指標 5小時前

Question for Bulls fans, does he get his number retired?


[–]RaptorsThe1992MemeTeam 233 指標 5小時前

MVP, Chicago native and he was the centerpiece of the most competitive Bulls team since Jordan. I"d be pissed if they didn"t retire #1


[–]BullsWaffle_Frisbee 91 指標 5小時前

yeah 100%


[–]PM_ME_LEGS_PLZ 35 指標 5小時前

You would like it to happen or you think it will happen? I find it hard to believe such a storied franchise would retire his number.. I suppose he did win an mvp


[–]BullsWaffle_Frisbee 53 指標 5小時前

both. i would like it to happen and i think it will happen. youngest mvp in nba history.



[–]Pelicansmuse_iwnl 311 指標 7小時前

I"d love to see the Cavs win just to see the look on Roses face after the buzzer


[–]Bullsbuddha_abusa 177 指標 6小時前

Unless he hits the buzzer beater. Then no emotion


[–]Kingsgnullify 85 指標 5小時前

That game winner he hit on the Cavs was the epitome of "act like you"ve been there before."


[–]Bullsvnayini 53 指標 7小時前

lol i wouldn"t expect him to show much emotion honestly. haha. i guess he"s been known to cry.


[–]Pelicansmuse_iwnl 79 指標 6小時前

Idk man, after all the shits he"s been through, to cap it off with an NBA title over most likely the warriors would mean a lot I bet. Who knows though.



[–]CBCN 147 指標 8小時前

I think people forget that:

a) he"s made millions of dollars already, enough to last several generations. Not to mention, he gets paid pocket money for appearances and his time.

b) believe it or not, people aren"t always motivated by money, especially after they already have a decent safety net (see: Andrew Bynum, Larry Sanders, etc.) Passion matters to some.

c) emotional connection is a key factor for a lot of people. Dealing with set backs that are out of his control year after year after year takes a mental toll on a person. Hell, it even took a toll on Kobe (see: Muse documentary) when he got injured 3 seasons in a row.

I"m glad to see him back and hope it all works out for him.


a.     他职业生涯已经挣了很多钱了,足够他花几辈子的,更别说他那些代言合同之类的几乎是躺挣的钱了。

b.     不管你信不信,有些人工作并不完全为了钱,尤其是那些生活和心理上都处于安全模式的人,想想安德鲁-拜纳姆和拉里-桑德斯你就懂了,有没有工作热情对他们来说很重要。

c.     是否在感性上还有留恋对于大多数人是个关键因素,年复一年的,毫无征兆地受伤,然后再复健的漫长过程,对任何人都是巨大的精神折磨,甚至铁人如科比也逃不过,连续三个赛季饱受伤病折磨之苦(详见科比生涯的纪录片《缪斯》)。


[–]NBAurfaselol[S] 44 指標 8小時前

Larry Sanders

Man he may not care about money but I think that break away from basketball really hurt him. He tried to make a come back a year or two ago and just wasn"t able to get on the court. Not to mention the perception of him made teams not want to risk a roster spot on him


[–][CLE] Terrell Brandoninstacarp 23 指標 8小時前

last year, ended up on the Cavs D-league team momentarily before missing practice and being cut



[–]Raptorsdeisoswagger 1242 指標 8小時前

Preach D Rose. Dude is probably one of the most humble players in the league. Dude just wants to play ball


[–]LakersGiveLonzoAChance 287 指標 8小時前

Lol when rose first announced he was taking a break everyone said he needed to stop playing as if they knew what was best for him.


[–]rzpieces 309 指標 7小時前

Most comments I read were along the lines of "can"t blame the guy for wanting some time to think"


[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 103 指標 7小時前

Yeah. I think the disappearing act in NYC had everyone taking jabs, but r/nba was pretty empathetic about Rose since he announced he might be retiring too.

Tons of posts about how sad people were, lament at Rose"s injurings ruining his career trajectory and robbing everyone of a competitive east, and oldies basically telling young bloods about how OP prime Rose was.


[–]RaptorsElvvvvv 87 指標 8小時前

I just want glimpses of old D-Rose back cuz he just wants to ball hard. He doesn"t care bout the other shit.


[–]BullsBlackMathNerd 44 指標 7小時前

I don"t even like the Cavs but man if I saw Rose give like one more game at like 60% MVP level I"d be happy.



[–]HeatUGLGG 188 指標 8小時前

As someone who goes to therapy once every three weeks, I empathize with him. It"s so hard to do anything when you"re in a bad place mentally. It"s always made harder by the fact that other people keep chiming in about how I shouldn"t feel the way I"m feeling and to just man up. Hope he can make a comeback.


[–]eosh 60 指標 7小時前

The most "man" thing you can do is admit and seek the help you need, good on you. Seriously, don"t let anyone tell you otherwise.




