


Here is how Steph Curry attacking off the ball










[–][NYK] Marcus CambyD0minican 1270 指標 19小時前

this is the content this sub needs


[–]Trail Blazersfreddyjasonmyer 926 指標 14小時前

Dunno. I kind of like calling every rookie ever a bust and debating MVP awards after 5 games have been played.


[–][GSW] Draymond GreenMacDerfus 163 指標 13小時前

Those are more like the fertilizer that allows quality stuff to grow.


[–]Warriorsfrog_wiz 19 指標 9小時前

No I think we need more ‘x’ has more ‘y’ than any other ‘z’ before when ‘q’ is also ‘r-ing’ since 1984.


[–]narmerguy 13 指標 9小時前

Literally the worst trend in sports analytics. These things started out interesting, but they"ve just become nauseating. Just say he had a good game, you can create meaningless combinations of random stats.



[–][LAL] Magic Johnsonfds_1 367 指標 18小時前

God watching GS run these plays really makes you see what monster they are. Reminds of that Open Court GM thing they had and Bob Myers said:"Well in today"s NBA you have teams that have like 3-4 or stars" and everybody else started laughing and said:"Only your team has 4 stars."

我天,看着勇士跑这些战术,感觉他们就是一群怪物。这让我想起那一集Open Court的总经理特辑,勇士总经理鲍勃-迈尔斯说:“在今天的NBA联盟里,有很多球队都有3-4名明星球员。”然后其他的总经理就开始大笑并回应他:“只有你的球队有4名明星球员。”

[–]Lakersflaminglips 244 指標 14小時前

It"s actually crazy to think to about. You have possibly the second best shooter of all time setting off-ball picks for the best shooter of all time. The guy making the pass? One of the best shooters of all time.


[–][ATL] Rasheed WallaceFalconsHawksBulldogs 139 指標 11小時前

They have three top 10 shooters ever on their team, plus a dude with DPOY defense and great playmaking on offense.


[–][BOS] John HavlicekGekthegecko 142 指標 11小時前

And then there"s Zaza.


[–]WarriorsRaginReaganomics 66 指標 10小時前




[–]TimberwolvesSincSohum 662 指標 15小時前

Lol at all the media members who said that steph had ruined the game at the youth level. Forget that he does literally everything right on and off the court such as being unselfish, great movement off ball, terrific handles, being a great teammate, etc. All they tend to focus on his is unlimited range(which is also nothing but a product of his work ethic) and how kids see that and want to replicate it. If I was a youth level coach I would try to show them as much footage of steph as I possibly could. Yea sure you probably won"t be able to replicate his range, but you could work on and learn from pretty much everything else he does and instantly improve your game.


[–]Bullswhothark_futhark 300 指標 12小時前

I enjoy seeing genetic freaks of nature like Antetokounmpo, Durant, and LeBron as much as any NBA fan. But the fact that Curry is a relatively normally proportioned human makes him really fun to watch and a good role model for aspiring players. You can"t learn Durant"s size but if you practice you can have Curry"s conditioning, handles, and vision.


[–]NBAnbuddha 146 指標 12小時前

Im not disagreeing with you, but it is crazy how Curry seems like he"s a regular-sized dude because he"s in the context of NBA court most of the time.

Like that David Blaine video from the other day - Drake, Blaine etc. could"ve taken a Curry shoulder right in the nose. Dude"s 6"3 - he"s pushing half a foot of height on most males from countries where the average height is ~5"9/10.

Again, I"m not trying to be pedantic - youre totally right that you can get Curry-type skills in a much more realistic way than Bron or Durant ones, regardless of your size, but it just constantly blows my mind how skewed my perception of physical size gets watching basketball.





[–]Warriorsstephtreyaxone 34 指標 11小時前

He’s 6’2 without shoes, making him 3 inches taller than the average man. Obviously he probably wouldn’t be in the nba if he wasn’t athletically gifted, but he’s closer in size to an average dude than to an nba freak


[–]NBAnbuddha 28 指標 11小時前

Well, if you live in a land of giants where the average height is 5"11! I come from various corners of Europe where it"s more like 9 or 10.


[–]Warriorsstephtreyaxone 18 指標 11小時前

Ok, so four inches then. You see people as tall as Curry every day


[–]NBAnbuddha 23 指標 10小時前

Normally, yeah, but they"re still tall people is my point.

And that"s if average height data (notoriously dicey if memory serves) is standardised w/o shoes - is it as rigorous as combine measurements?

We should ask KD and his ilk...




[–]76ersmeditate42 18 指標 9小時前

For sure, my tallest friends are 6"3 and 6"4. They both play center when we play pick up games, and they have both been assigned as centers their whole very casual basketball "careers". Steph is that height and he is a little guy and plays point. Its pretty funny.



[–]Warriorsthrowaway_FTH_ 46 指標 14小時前

True that. I imagine if you got a youth team to learn how to move offball, maybe even how to switch on defense, they"d fucking dominate.


[–]CelticsTacoTweets 49 指標 11小時前

I absolutely love Steph but I think the reason people think he"s hindered the game at a youth level is because he takes shots that are objectively bad shots for 99.9% of the basketball population and is able to make them.

Also, kids aren"t paying attention to Curry off ball. They"re watching him with the ball, which is obviously beautiful, but sometimes he chucks up contested 25+ footers and they go in. Then they"re highlights and the next thing you know your entire group of 11 year olds are taking pull up 3s with wide open people on the court.

It"s not a myth.

Things I notice coaching middle schoolers.




[–]WarriorsLavinesanity 121 指標 14小時前

This video is an undersell

Curry is in constant motion offball and you can show full shotclock possessions where he never stops moving but never even ends up touching the ball



[–]BullsTTBOYTT 31 指標 10小時前

This, combined with his insane gravity, is the reason why he"s a top 3 player today. Defenses are so scared that even if the warriors didn"t have the offense they have right now, he can basically just run around the whole damn court, and they would still have to respect him off ball just because of his shot.

However, since you guys are the Warriors, we have the team we have today. God dammit lol





[–]Spurspikameow2 303 指標 17小時前

meanwhile westbrook is still waiting for the ball to come back.



[–]Cavalierswooha 83 指標 13小時前

I get that it’s a joke right now but there’s truth in this. Westbrook needs to allow PG to make some decisions and WB needs to move to get into posistion to score.


[–][OKC] Russell Westbrookredblade13 2 指標 4小時前

Imagine how fucking deadly Westbrook would be as a cutter with his speed? Dude would be dunking on people off cuts and shit. I"ve seen the few times he has cut he puts the hammer down with all the momentum he gets. He could be the equivalent of Curry"s perimeter off ball movement in terms of slashing. Love Westbrook but he can improve in so many ways.



[–]crunchtime89 310 指標 19小時前*

This is why Draymond Green helped turn the Warriors around. Credit to Steve Kerr because he featured Draymond alot more in the rotation. He used Draymond as the point forward to help take pressure off of Curry to be the scorer and playmaker. It was very intelligent of Kerr to put Curry in more scoring positions rather than decision making ones. Draymond has been the engine for the Warriors, he"s their point forward defensive anchor. With the addition of KD, it only makes it that more unstoppable of an offense when both of your forwards are keeping their heads up to supply the guards shots.


Before I have someone get offended from a fact that I"ve stated, as if it disrespects Curry, please go and see this interesting mathematical formula. The more mins Draymond got, the more wins the Warriors had. When he was featured more, after Mark Jackson left, the Warriors rapidly became a contender. They needed a guy that could get Curry and Thompson going, they are the best scorers on the team.

Why would you want your best scorer, Curry, passing to guys that are less capable? When you throw in the elite switch-defending to help everyones errors on defense, it only proves how much Draymond was needed to help propel the Warriors forward.



[–]patterswong 91 指標 19小時前

Coming from a warriors fans, I agree Draymond is a great passer who can help initiate the offense from the high post and low post. It also helps prevent a stagnant offense while keeping the defense honest. While mark Jackson was a key to the Warriors turnaround by instilling an defense identity, he couldn"t coach offense for shit with his iso heavy system. Kerr with his motion triangle hybrid too take of the offense struggles and Draymond with his versatility makes it all work. Also while you have one of the greatest if not greatest shooter ever, it"s easier to come off picks and shoot rather than take the D off the dribble every time


[–]crunchtime89 44 指標 19小時前

Exactly. I didnt mean to diss Jackson, he got the Warriors out of the pit of misery, but Kerr perfected what Jackson could not. Jackson had Draymond as an energy guy, Kerr had Draymond as the backbone





