

Here is a very good example of how conflict is brought into being: the conflict between what should be and what is. First we establish what should be, the ideal, and then try to live according to that pattern. We say that the mind should be occupied with noble things, with unselfishness, with generosity, with kindliness, with love; that is the pattern, the belief, the should be, the must, and we try to live accordingly.
想知道冲突是怎样形成的 , 这里有个非常好的例子——应然和实然之间的冲突 。 首先 , 我们确立一个应该怎样的想法 , 确立一个理想 , 然后就努力按照那个模式生活 。 我们说 , 心应该被高贵、无私、慷慨、良善和爱所占据 。 那就是模式、信仰、应然、必然 , 我们努力照此生活 。
So there is a conflict set going, between the projection of what should be and the actuality, the what is, and through that conflict we hope to be transformed. So long as we are struggling with the should be, we feel virtuous, we feel good, but which is important: the should be or what is?
所以 , 在应然的投射和现实、实然之间存在着一套冲突 , 我们希望通过冲突得到转变 。 只要我们挣扎于应然 , 我们就感到自己是善的 , 是好的 , 但哪个更重要:应然还是实然?
With what are our minds occupied - actually, not ideologically? With trivialities, are they not? With how one looks, with ambition, with greed, with envy, with gossip, with cruelty. The mind lives in a world of trivialities and a trivial mind creating a noble pattern is still trivial, is it not? The question is not with what should the mind be occupied but can the mind free itself from trivialities?
我们的心被什么占据——不是理想的状态 , 而是事实上被什么所占据?被琐事占据 , 不是吗?被长相、野心、贪婪、嫉妒、闲话和残忍占据 。 心活在琐碎的世界中 , 一颗琐碎的心所制造出来的高贵模式 , 也仍然是琐碎的 , 不是吗?问题不在于心应该被什么占据 , 而是心能不能从琐碎中解脱?
If we are at all aware, if we are at all inquiring, we know our own particular trivialities: incessant talk, the everlasting chattering of the mind, worry over this and that, curiosity as to what people are doing or not doing, trying to achieve a result, groping after one's own aggrandizement and so on. With that we are occupied and we know it very well. Can that be transformed? That is the problem, is it not? To ask with what the mind should be occupied is mere immaturity.
如果有那么一点儿意识、有那么一点儿质疑的话 , 我们都清楚自己特定的琐碎:没完没了的谈话 , 喋喋不休的头脑 , 担心这个担心那个 , 探听别人在做什么没在做什么 , 努力达成目标 , 追求自我扩张 , 等等 。 我们被什么占据 , 我们知道得很清楚 。 可以转变吗?那就是问题 , 不是吗?去询问心应该被什么占据 , 这说明你不成熟 。
Now, being aware that my mind is trivial and occupied with trivialities, can it free itself from this condition? Is not the mind, by its very nature, trivial? What is the mind but the result of memory? Memory of what? Of how to survive, not only physically but also psychologically through the development of certain qualities, virtues, the storing up of experiences, the establishing of itself in its own activities. Is that not trivial?分页标题
那么 , 意识到我的心很琐碎 , 被琐事占据 , 那它能从这种制约中解脱吗?心 , 究其本质 , 不就是琐碎的吗?不就是记忆的结果吗?关于什么的记忆?关于怎样生存的记忆 , 不仅包括物质层面的生存 , 还包括心理层面的扩张 , 发展某种品质、美德 , 积累经验 , 在各种心识活动中确立自我 。 那不就是琐碎?
The mind, being the result of memory, of time, is trivial in itself; what can it do to free itself from its own triviality? Can it do anything? Please see the importance of this. Can the mind, which is self-centred activity, free itself from that activity? Obviously, it cannot; whatever it does, it is still trivial. It can speculate about God, it can devise political systems, it can invent beliefs; but it is still within the field of time, its change is still from memory to memory, it is still bound by its own limitation.
心 , 是记忆的结果、时间的产物 , 其本身就是琐碎的 。 它要怎样才能从自身的琐碎中解脱出来?它可以做什么吗?请看到这个问题的重要性 。 以自我为中心运作的心 , 可以从这种活动中解脱出来吗?显然 , 它做不到;不管它做什么 , 都是琐碎的 。 它可以思索上帝 , 它可以构想政治体系 , 它可以创建信仰;但它仍然被困在时间的领域里 , 它的改变仍然是从记忆到记忆 , 它始终陷于自身的局限 。
【克里希那穆提冥思坊【言谈录】心能不能从琐碎中解脱?】Can the mind break down that limitation? Or does that limitation break down when the mind is quiet, when it is not active, when it recognizes its own trivialities, however great it may have imagined them to be? When the mind, having seen its trivialities, is fully aware of them and so becomes really quiet - only then is there a possibility of these trivialities dropping away.
心能打破那种局限吗?还是当心静下来 , 当它不再活跃 , 当它认识到自身的琐碎 , 不管把这些琐碎想象得如何伟大 , 那种局限就不攻自破了?当心看到自身的琐碎 , 完全察觉到它们 , 于是真的安静下来——只有那时 , 那些琐碎才有消失的可能 。
So long as you are inquiring with what the mind should be occupied, it will be occupied with trivialities, whether it builds a church, whether it prays or whether it goes to a shrine. The mind itself is petty, small, and by merely saying it is petty you haven't dissolved its pettiness. You have to understand it, the mind has to recognize its own activities, and in the process of that recognition, in the awareness of the trivialities which it has consciously and unconsciously built, the mind becomes quiet. In that quietness there is a creative state and this is the factor which brings about a transformation.
只要你还在琢磨心应该被什么占据的问题 , 它就会被琐碎所占据 , 不论兴建教堂也好 , 祈祷也好 , 还是礼拜也好 。 心本身就是狭小琐碎的 , 但只是这样说一说 , 并没有消除它的琐碎 。 你必须去了解它 , 心必须认识到自身的活动 , 在那个认识的过程中 , 在对有意无意形成的琐碎的觉察中 , 它就变得安静了 。 在那种安静中 , 就有一种创造性的状态——那就是实现转变的因素 。
The First and Last Freedom, 'On Triviality'
