
运动,一种涉及体力和技巧的由一套规则或习惯所约束的活动,通常具有竞争性 。物布时空永不均产生了普遍运动,普遍的运动生灭著万事万物 。没有不运动的物件,也没有能离开物件的运动 。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧 。
工会运动旨在争取更高的工资和更好的工作条件 。
The Trade Union Movement works to obtain higher wages and better conditions.
这一运动的领导层对这个问题的看法一致 。
The leadership of the movement are in agreement on this issue.
金属内电流是由电子运动引起的 。
An electric current in metal is caused by the movement of electrons.
这正是狗的反射运动 。
It's just a dog's reflex movement.
这个运动的生命力岌岌可危 。
The vitality of the movement is threatened.
在日本,棒球比其他任何运动都受人欢迎 。
baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.
运动员正在加强运动为运动会做准备 。
The athlete is building up his strength for the sports meet.
运动:指运动的本身或具体的运动 。
The machine has been set in motion.
沿着楼梯或运动场的露天看台上下慢跑是一项非常有益的有氧运动 。
Jog up and down stairwells or bleachers for a great cardio workout.
我们热心参加这项运动 。
We entered into the sport with zest.
他们瓦解了工人运动 。
They disintegrated the labour movement.
他们为这一运动筹募基金 。
They collect funds to finance the movement.
警察收集了有关这次运动的***的情报 。
The police had the leader in the movement dataed.
滑雪运动员飞快地向下滑去 。
The skiers sped down the slope.
两国篮球运动员在比赛后聚在一起,切磋球艺 。
The basketball players of the two countries got together and pared notes after the match.
他领导他们开展了一场爱国运动 。
He led them in launching a patriotic movement.
健康依赖于良好的食物、运动和充足的睡眠 。
Good health depends upon good food, exercise, and getting enough sleep.
运动本身就是矛盾 。
Motion itself is a contradiction.
工人运动对他们的利益造成了直接威胁 。
The workers' movement poses a direct threat to their interests.
参加这样一个伟大的、有历史意义的运动的机会真是千载难逢 。
The chance to partake in such a great historic movement doesn't e every day.
运动可使肌肉强健 。
Exercise tones up the muscles.
在第二次世界大战期间他投身于反法西斯运动中 。
He was caught up in the anti-fascist movement during the Second WorldWar.
这场推销运动是针对年轻专业人员的 。
The sales campaign was beamed at young professionals.