
骑自行车运动的英文是Cycling 。
Therefore, the benefits of cycling, I feel very relaxed, but the body was able to quickly reach the amount of exercise!
Neil always was an outdoors type of guy,always up for a spot of cycling, hiking or rock-climbing.
尼尔是那种喜爱户外活动的男人,只要来点骑车旅行、远足或攀岩之类的活动,他就会情绪高涨 。
自行车用英语读bike发音是英音: [ba?k] 、美音 :[ba?k]。
自行车是由人力脚踏驱动的、有两个车轮的陆地交通车辆,俗称自由车、脚踏车或单车在日本称为“自_车”;在中国大陆、中国台湾通常称其为“自行车”或“脚踏车”,又因中国大陆最早的自行车是国外过来 , 所以又称其为“洋车儿”,有些地方仍旧这么称呼 。
在港澳则通常称其为“单车” 。自行车无噪音、无污染、重量轻、结构简单、物美价廉、使用和维修方便 , 既能作为代步和运载货物的工具,又能用于体育锻炼 , 因而为人们所广泛使用 。
1、So, here is his verbal ecstasy as he watches her: "Look," she said as she rode the?bike?beside me, one foot scraping the darkly glistening sidewalk. "Look. I've decided something.
那么,这里是表现他看着他时的迷恋的语言:“听着 , 她骑着车走在我身旁,一只脚擦着,黑得发亮的人行道,我打定主意了“ 。
2、So a young and very capable officer who often became good friend with the president and other staffs and became buddies on the monutain?bike?with what the president like to do brush clearing on the ranch.
通常是一个非常年轻和能干的官员,通常会和总统 , 以及其他官员成为好朋友,还有跟总统一起骑车上山 , 那是总统很喜欢做的事,在牧场上骑马 。
3、I always?bike?there. It's better than the subway and it's better than walking.
我总是会骑车去那儿 。比地铁和走路好多了 。
4、Sometimes there's problems with?bike?thieves like, I had my?bike?stolen last month.
只不过,有时候会碰到偷车贼 。比如说,上个月,我的车子就被盗了 。
5、Yeah. There's more, I mean even around here, you see there's new?bike?lanes.
哦,当然,有很多这种设施 。甚至就在这周围,你看 , 这里有新修的自行车道 。