美国网友热议: 在中国乘坐高铁是种什么感觉?
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美国网友热议: 在中国乘坐高铁是种什么感觉?。美国|网友|感觉|中国|a+|高铁---
How does it feel to take the high speed train in China?在中国乘坐高铁是种什么感觉?Adam Richards, lives in China (2011-present)
When you buy the ticket, you feel that price-wise maybe you should have flown domestic instead.
When you arrive at the station 10 minutes before the train leaves instead of an hour before, you feel like okay you’ve saved some time. At the very least you’ve saved yourself hanging around an airport for a while.
When you sit down in your seat and realize that you can actually move your legs, or get past your neighbor without disturbing your neighbor, you feel skinnier.
When you look out your window and see rural China flying by, you feel caught in a time-warp.
When you walk up and down the aisles at your pleasure and convenience, you feel the blood circulating.
When you use your 4G (or portable wifi) on the trip without anyone telling you that it interferes with the operation of the vehicle, you feel productive (more realistically, you feel entertained).当你用4G(或便携式wifi)上网,而不用担心有人提醒你那会干扰飞机通讯时,你感到自己更高效了(或者现实点说,不会无聊了)When you rush out of the car with your fellow passengers (and a few of the crew) to have a smoke at one of the longer stops, you feel a head rush.当你和乘客们(以及乘务人员)在列车停靠时冲出车厢吸烟时,你感到提神醒脑When you realize that your North American infrastructure is light years behind China’s, you feel ashamed.当你意识到你北美大陆基础设施建设被中国甩了几光年时,你感到有点羞愧EDIT: Thanks for all the upvotes. And thank you as well to the Quorans who have suggested that “light years behind” might not be an appropriate phrase to use here. I’m aware that a light year is a unit of distance, not time (This is not the Millennium Falcom making the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs!). Please understand I’m using this phrase idiomatically.谢赞,也谢谢提醒我用“光年远”形容可能不合适的网友。我知道光年是距离单位而不是时间单位,请理解这只是个管用的比喻手法
Andy Beales, PhotographerUpdated SatOriginally Answered: What is it like to ride a fast train on a high speed rail in China?I use the high speed route from Guilin to Shenzhen. I was surprised I was offered freshly ground coffee and Haagen-Dazs. OK, it was western prices, but nice if you're in need of a coffee fix.我坐过桂林-深圳的高铁,让我吃惊的一点是上面居然提供现磨咖啡和哈根达斯。好吧,价格挺“西方”的,但如果你正好需要也是不错的选择I’ve used 2nd class, and 1st class. On this route the price difference is about 60 RMB, so I always go 1st. I normally think 1st class is a waste of money, in the UK it costs so much more for such little gain, in China you get a lot more for a small price increase. To me after living in China 6 years, extra space and slightly quieter carriage is worth 60 RMB.我头等舱和二等舱都坐过(译者:不确定是不是翻对了)他们的价格差异大概是60人民币,所以我总是会选择头等舱。一般来说,我觉得坐头等舱是种浪费,因为在英国花大价钱坐头等舱性价比很低,而在中国只需要加少量钱就能得到很大体验提升。对我这个在中国生活了六年的人来说,一些额外空间和更安静的车厢环境显然值得这60元。他们的价格差异大概是60人民币——》在这条线路上,他们的价格差异大概是60人民币。
1st class gives you more leg room, and the carriage is configured 2 seats each side, so less people in a car. This means it is quieter and less stressful getting on, also more space for luggage. However, no first class waiting room or priority boarding, as with soft sleepers and 1st class on regular trains.
There are power sockets, Hong Kong & British style built in, and airplane style tables, so I enjoyed catching up on photo editing on this route of 3.5 hours compared to flying 1 hour to reach the same destination. If you take into account if I fly I need to get there early, and many Chinese airlines are late, then the train is a great option.
I book my tickets with an app called China Train Booking (red logo), you can find it in the app store or play store. Then I opt to collect my tickets at the station.
我预订车票用的是一款叫China train booking的app,你可以在app store或play store上搜到,之后我选择的是在车站拿票
One downside is that many stations have few English signs, or when things change (trains are delayed) there are no English speaking staff easily available to assist you. I speak mandarin so it's not an issue. If you don't speak Chinese don't worry, you just need a spirit of adventure and Google Translate.
Top Tip
Remember Google translate and anything Google in China is slowed down to almost unusable levels by the communist party firewall. Google doesn't have a good relationship with China ;). But, you can (On android) download the language packs to work off line. That could really help you when the unexpected occurs. You can’t download language packs for off line use on Apple.
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