别让生活中的这个小细节“毁掉”你的生育能力( 四 )
Eating fruits and vegetables could boost fertility in both men and women, though men are less likely to act on the advice.
A major study of more than 1,100 men and women found that those with healthy diets were much more likely to conceive.
多名男性和女性研究后发现,那些保持健康饮食的人怀孕的概率更大。The findings, presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology"s annual meeting in Lisbon, showed that overall, women were more likely than men to have a healthy diet.
- 肝不好,人易老! 常喝这种茶,养肝护肝更长寿
- 家里都有这个菜,却不知道它能治打呼噜,赶快试试
- 农村这种西瓜一点都不用担心被偷,打开一看里面竟是这个
- 家中、单位都不常备它,小心别人说你没有生活常识
- 睡前喝半杯水防心梗
- 血管一堵会要命,生活中坚持2戒且不能吃这些食物
- 每天喝牛奶千万别超过这个量,否则癌症来找你!
- 你每天都应该养成健康积极的生活习惯,来保持减肥心态!
- 男人房事中的“3不要”,可能既伤身体又伤感情,尽量别忽视
- 这个菜叶农村拿来喂猪,什么时候变成结石的克星了?