双语哈评 |CEO有节操,公司业绩高( 三 )
Character is a subjective trait that might seem to defy quantification. To measure it, KRW cofounder Fred Kiel and his colleagues began by sifting through the
Donald Brown’s classic inventory of about 500 behaviors and characteristics that are recognized and displayed in all human societies. Drawing>anonymous
surveys to employees at 84 U.S. companies and nonprofits, asking, among other things, how consistently their CEOs and management teams embodied the four principles. They also interviewed many of the executives and analyzed the organizations’ financial results. When financial data was unavailable, leaders’ results were excluded.
品德是一种主观特性,似乎不能量化。为衡量这一特性,KRW联合创始人弗雷德·基尔(Fred Kiel)及其同事仔细研究了人类学家唐纳德·布朗(Donald Brown)的经典信息库,其中记载了所有人类社会中已知的500多种行为和性格。根据这些信息,他们识别出了4大公认道德标准:正直、责任、宽容和同情心。然后,他们对84家美国公司和非政府组织的员工进行了匿名调查,问题则包括CEO和管理层能否坚守这4大标准。他们还访问了很多高管,并分析了这些公司的财务状况,剔除了那些没有财务数据的高管调查结果。
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