双语哈评 |CEO有节操,公司业绩高( 六 )
Do leaders who need to work>
How can such leaders get past their denial and overcome their character deficits? Seeking guidance from trusted mentors and advisers helps a great deal, Kiel says. He discovered that firsthand early in his own career. After earning a PhD in psychology, he built two large clinical practices and briefly served as the CEO of a publicly held company. Back then, he says, he was more like the self-focused CEOs than the virtuosos: “While I never engaged in any illegal behavior, I’m sure many of my colleagues in those days felt that I was more than willing to throw them under the bus if it meant success for me.” As Kiel reached middle age, though, he began to feel a sense of moral and spiritual emptiness—and he knew he needed to change. It was a long, difficult process. After all, he was trying to undo deeply ingrained habits. But with practice and counsel he succeeded, and he was inspired to help other business leaders do the same.
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