双语哈评 |CEO有节操,公司业绩高( 五 )

At the other end of the spectrum, the 10 lowest scorers—Kiel calls them “self-focused CEOs”—were often described as warping the truth for personal gain and caring mostly about themselves and their own financial security, no matter the cost to others.  (All study participants were guaranteed anonymity from the beginning.>

而得分最低的10名CEO被基尔称作“自我中心”的 CEO。他们常常被描述为:“为个人利益掩盖真相; 只关心自己和自己的财务安全,全然不顾他人利益”。(测试从一开始就保证不公开所有参与调查者的姓名,后来只有三分之一的调查者同意公开姓名)。员工们说,自我中心的CEO讲话基本上真假参半,出尔反尔,经常把自己的错推给别人,频繁惩罚好心做错事的人,而且尤其缺乏对别人的同情心。

Early in the project the researchers expected to find a relatively small relationship between strength of character and business performance. “I was unprepared to discover how robust the connection really is,” Kiel says. In addition to outperforming the self-focused CEOs>