


1.n.(名词)图案,模式,方式,范例,典范,榜样,样板,花样,式样,模型,样品 。
第三人称单数:patterns,复数:patterns,现在分词patterning,过去式:patterned,过去分词:patterned 。造句
1.The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass. 白色的大理石地板镶嵌在铜质的放射形图案中 。
2.This system sets the pattern for others to follow.这个系统堪为他人仿效的典范 。

pattern【读音】:英 [?p?tn]美 [?p?t?rn] 【释义】:n.模式;图案;花样,样品;榜样,典范;vt.模仿;以图案装饰;vi.形成图案【用法】:第三人称单数: patterns 复数: patterns 现在分词: patterning 过去式: patterned 过去分词: patterned【例句】:All three attacks followed the same pattern3次袭击模式相同 。Send for our free patterns to knit yourself.欢迎函索免费式样体验自己编织的乐趣 。
The kinked line in chart 1 represents this pattern.图表1中的曲线表现了这一模式 。She embroidered the cloth with a pattern in yellow and green stitches.她用黄绿两种线在那块布上绣了一个图案 。She'll show you how to co-ordinate pattern and colours她会教你如何搭配款式和颜色 。The restructuring of the pattern of consumption in Britain also lagged behind在消费结构重组方面,英国也落后于人 。
His release turned out to follow the pattern set by that of the other six hostages.最终他的获释方式也和其他6名人质的获释如出一辙 。Our sleep pattern is a barometer to our psychological well-being.我们的睡眠模式是心理健康的晴雨表 。You measure yourself, enter measurements and the computer will print out the pattern你量一下自己的尺寸,把尺码输进去,电脑就会把式样打印出来 。
The shirts were printed with a paisley pattern这些衬衫上印着佩斯利旋纹图案 。Before you cut the cloth, make sure that the pattern matches up on both edges.在裁剪布料前要确保两个边缘的图案对称 。The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass.白色的大理石地板镶嵌在铜质的放射形图案中 。
Slash the tops of the loaves with a sharp serrated knife in a criss-cross pattern.把烤面包顶部用锋利的锯齿刀交错切开 。The pattern she knitted is really beautiful.她织的花儿真好看 。By a