
清代青花瓷器是清代瓷器生产的大宗 , 并为收藏者喜爱 。 或因清代青花不及明代青花浓翠艳丽 , 或因清代青花市场价格远逊于明代青花 , 历来论及清代青花瓷器的书籍很少 。 本书有感于此 , 详细介绍了清代青花瓷器的发展变化及历代的典型特征 , 如顺治青花的明末风格 , 康熙青花的分水特征 , 雍正青花的幽静匀润 , 乾隆青花的深沉不浮 , 嘉庆青花的亮丽轻淡 , 道光咸丰青花的飘浮 , 同治青花的黑褐斑块 , 光绪青花的洋蓝及宣统青花的青翠明丽 。
青花仍是当时瓷器生产的主流 , 承袭康熙、雍正青花的特点 , 并在其基础上继续发展创新、提高 , 体现在制作技巧上达到前所未有的成就 。 从工艺制作上看 , 其胎体的成型、青料的绘制等等 , 每一道工序都是一丝不苟 , 精工细做 , 精益求精 。
方形难做故有一方顶十园之说 , 文房更少见档次更高 。 花纹漂亮十分精致漂亮 , 雕刻极为精美 , 剔朱红大漆数十层至百余层 , 工艺繁复精细 , 花纹漂亮 , 刀法犀利流畅 。
Qing Dynasty blue and white porcelain is the bulk production of Qing Dynasty Porcelain and collectors love. Either because the Qing Dynasty blue and white is not as rich and beautiful as the Ming Dynasty blue and white or because the Qing Dynasty blue and white market price is much lower than the Ming dynasty blue and white the Qing Dynasty blue and white porcelain has rarely been discussed books. In this book the author introduces in detail the development and changes of blue and white porcelain in the Qing Dynasty and the typical features of the past dynasties such as the late Ming style of the Shunzhi blue and white porcelain the water-separating features of the blue and white porcelain of the Kangxi Reign the quiet and even smoothness of the Yongzheng blue and white porcelain and the deep and unfloating nature of the dry long blue and white porcelain jiaqing blue and White Light Daoguang Xianfeng blue and white float with the treatment of the black and brown patches of blue and white Guangxu blue and blue and Xuan Tong blue and white green and bright.
Square hard to do so one side top ten garden said the study is more rare higher grade. Beautiful Pattern is very delicate beautiful very fine carving Tiaozhu large paint dozens to more than 100 layers complex and fine craft beautiful pattern sharp and smooth knife.
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