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Let's talk about phrasal verbs!
Hello and welcome to my introduction to phrasal verbs.
你好,欢迎来到动词短语小课堂 。
So you've got a verb and a preposition that you recognise but together they mean something different.
动词短语是由你能认识的一个动词和一个介词构成的,但是这两个词放在一起就会有不同的意思 。
I'm going to explain how phrasal verbs are formed the different types of phrasal verbs and how they are used and then I'll give you explanations of ten of the most common ones.
我打算解释一下动词短语是怎么组成的,动词短语的不同类型,以及它们该怎么用,然后呢,我会给出10个最常见的动词短语 。
So, how do we form a phrasal verb?
Well, as I said before, we add a preposition to a verb for example: 'look', which is out verb and then a preposition could be 'out'.
就像我上面说的那样,我们在动词后面加上一个介词,比如 look 这个动词可以和 out 搭配,然后在后面加上 out 。
I look out of the window
我看向窗外 。
However, if I were to say 'look out, there's a car' the meaning has changed, because we've changed the situation and the context.
但是,假如我换个说法,小心,车来了,因为短语使用的情况和语境变化了所以短语的意思也就变了 。
So in this case it would mean 'Be careful, there's a car! '
因此,在这个例句中look out 的意思是“小心,有车来了!”
So I'm going to guide you through four important hints that will help you use phrasal verbs more efficiently and more effectively.
接下来我会教你四个重要的技巧来帮助你更高效更准确地使用动词短语 。
It could also help your reading and listening skills.
这同样能够帮助提升你的阅读和听力技巧 。
The first hint is that you can't always understand phrasal verbs by looking at the individual words.
第一个技巧就是:你不应该总是单独地看短语中的两个词 。
A good example of this is 'turn on'.
举一个典型的例子:turn on 。
'Turn', on it's own, means to rotate.
Turn 原本的意思是旋转 。
But together with 'on', it means to activate function.
但是,和 on 组成短语后,它的意思就变成了激活某种功能 。
I turn on the television.
例如,我打开了电视 。
Something completely different.
单个词语和短语的意思完全不同了 。
That's why in your reading and listening exams, you mustn't listen word by word.
所以,在阅读和听力测试中,你一定不能孤立地去听每个单词 。
You have to try and understand the phrase as a whole.
你应该尝试去把短语作为一个整体来理解 。
So now on to hint two.
然后是第二个技巧 。
One phrasal verb can have multiple meanings.
同一个动词短语可能有不同的意思 。
We've got the same phrasal verb, 'take off' here in two different situations.
我们首先来看一下在两个不同语境下的 take off 。
'Take off your jacket' means 'remove your jacket'
“Take off your jacket”意思是脱下你的夹克 。
'The plane takes off soon' means 'the plane leaves soon'.
“The plane takes off soon”意思是飞机快要离开了 。
So, how can you know which of the meanings are being intended?
Well, the main way to do this is to look at the conext and the situation around the phrasal verb.
最主要的方法就是看这个短语所处的上下文和语境 。
So, here we've got a jacket.
在这个句子中有一个夹克 。
Well, I know jacket is clothing, so it's probable that it's going to mean remove.
我知道夹克是一种服饰,因此,这个短语的意思很可能是脱下 。
I can see 'plane' here it's probably going to be about something going into the air.
我能看到这里有“飞机”这个词,这个短语的意思就可能是某个东西飞入天空 。
So now for hint number three.
接下来是第三个技巧 。
Some phrasal verbs are separable.
有些动词短语是分开的 。
With the phrasal verb 'to put on' which means to start wearing something.
看这个短语“put on”,它的意思是开始穿某件衣服 。
We can use it in two ways.
这个短语的用法有两种 。
I can say 'I put on my dress', and I can also say 'I put my dress on'
我可以说“I put on my dress”,同样,我也可以说“I put my dress on” 。
This object here can go between the verb and the preposition.
这里的宾语可以放在动词和介词之间 。
The meaning doesn't change.
而句子的意思不会改变 。
You must learn which phrasal verbs are separable and which aren't.
你必须要知道哪些短语是可以分开使用的,哪些短语是不可以分开使用的 。
The example before with 'takes off', this cannot be separated.
之前例子中的“take off”就是不能分开使用的 。
And finally, number four.
最后,第四个技巧 。
Sometimes you can make a normal verb Sound more conversational or even childish if you add a preposition.
有时候如果你增加一个介词,你可以让一个普通的动词听起来更加得口语化或者孩子气 。
For example: 'eat your dinner', 'eat up your dinner'.
比如,“eat your dinner”,“eat up your dinner” 。
I would be more inclined to say 'eat up your dinner' to a child.
相比之下,我更愿意对一个孩子说“eat up your dinner” 。
The same goes for 'sit at the table' and 'sit down at the table! '
同样道理也适用于“sit at the table”和“sit down at the table” 。
The meaning doesn't change, it's just more conversational or childish.
两个句子的意思没有多少不同,但是后者更加的口语化和孩子气 。
OK, now we've explained how they're used.
那么,我们已经解释完了这一类短语的使用方法 。
I'm going to give you ten really common and useful phrasal verbs, starting with 'to break up'
现在,我打算教你 10 个最常见和最有用的动词短语,第一个是“break up” 。
We have two meanings here
这个短语有两个意思 。
Tom and Jo have broken up.
Tom 和 Jo 分手了 。
This means that they have stopped their relationship
在这里的意思是他们俩结束了彼此的关系 。
So sad!
And then we also have 'school breaks up next week'.
我们再看另一个例子:学校下周要放假了 。
This means that school finishes for the holidays.
它的意思是学校即将要放假了 。
Next we have 'carry on'.
接下来这个词组是“carry on” 。
If you want to speak better English you should carry on watching.
如果你想要更好地说英语,你应该继续看这个视频 。
Carry on means to continue.
“Carry on”的意思是继续 。
Then we have come on.
然后是“come on”这个词组 。
Come on! If you don't hurry we'll miss the train.
快点儿!再不抓点紧,我们就要错过火车了 。
In this case, come on means hurry.
在这个例子中,“come on”的意思是快点 。
The next one is 'find out'.
下一个词组是“find out” 。
I need to find out when the train leaves.
我需要弄清楚火车离开的时间 。
I need to discover or become aware of when the train leaves.
我需要搞清楚或者弄明白火车什么时间会出发 。
Then we have 'get on' or 'get along'.
下一个词组是“get on”和“get along” 。
These mean the same.
它们俩的意思是相同的 。
I get on very well with my flatmates.
我和室友相处得很好 。
I have a good relationship with my flatmates.
我和室友有着不错的关系 。
If I change well to badly, it means the opposite
如果我把“well”改成“badly”,这个句子的意思就完全相反了 。
Next we have 'grow up'
下一个词组是“grow up” 。
I grew up in a village near to London.
我在伦敦附近的一个村庄里长大 。
This means that I spent my childhood or became an adult in a village near to London.
它的意思是我在伦敦附近的一个村庄里度过了童年时光,然后变成了成年人 。
If you're behaving immaturely, someone might say 'grow up'.
如果你的行为很不成熟,别人可能会说“成熟一点” 。
This could mean you need to behave like an adult.
这可能意味着你需要像成年人那样行事 。
Next we have 'look after'.
接下来的词组是“look after” 。
Can you look after my dog this week?
Can you care for my dog this week?
So, the next one is 'pick up'.
接下来的词组是“pick up” 。
Your phone is ringing, pick it up!
This means to answer it.
它的意思是接听电话 。
The next one, can you pick me up from work?
Can you collect me from work?
【英语学习的精华部分 精华部分英文】The we have 'to run out'.
然后是“run out”这个词组 。
Oh no! All my phone battery has run out.
不!我手机的电池全部用完了 。
It has become empty or finished.
意思是,电池没电了或者坏了 。
And the final one, 'throw away'.
最后一个是“throw away” 。
This milk is too old, I need to throw it away.
这瓶牛奶过期了,我需要把它扔了 。
I need to put it in the bin.
我需要把它扔进垃圾桶 。
That was just an introduction so there is a lot more to learn and many more phrasal verbs!
But I hope to do further explanations and other videos on phrasal verbs very very soon.
但是我希望尽快做更多的视频来解释这些短语 。
So if you liked the video and you want to see more subscribe to my channel and also complete the quiz that I'm showing next.
如果你喜欢这个视频,并且想要看到更多视频的话,请订阅我的频道,帮忙完成我在下方展示的问卷 。