Kobe Bryant: "WE had to face the Spurs EVERY post season pretty much. Not to mention the first super team in Boston but hey, what do I know"
In response to this on Twitter: If @kobebryant was on the Heat/Cavs instead of @KingJames the past 6 years, and faced the 13", 14" Spurs & 15",16",17", 18" Warriors, hed have ZERO rings. Context is everything.
[–]76ersanser1233 1022 指標 5小時前*
Kobe got too much free time, now that he isn"t practicing 20 hours a day he"s replying to twitter trolls
[–]LakersCanYouDigit34 895 指標 5小時前
at least he is using his real account.
[–]InSearchOfGoodPun 114 指標 3小時前
Yup, at first I was thinking, "Damn, that"s a pretty thin-skinned and petty comment for him to make," but then I thought, "Well, at least he has the guts to say it directly instead of using a sock puppet."
[–][LAL] Kobe BryantDongsquad420BlazeIt 166 指標 5小時前
Gotta do something between making Oscar winning films
[–]Lakersfuckthenbamods 106 指標 5小時前
He won an Emmy too.
[–]Clippersiliketowhispertoo 51 指標 4小時前
I actually saw Kobe this past Saturday and Sunday in Orange County coaching his daughters basketball team, The Mambas.
[译注1]译者不清楚这位网友是在玩梗还是讲述真事。科比女儿以前所在的足球队叫【Mamba FC】(曼巴足球俱乐部),后来又创建了女子篮球青少年联盟【Mamba League】(曼巴联盟),科比自己的女儿也在其中。如下面两图:
[–]KobeNotTop100 121 指標 5小時前
Kobe going in lmao
[–]LakersJuanisnotcool 110 指標 5小時前
Kobe, my man, why are you responding to these retards? That idiot’s life was just made because you replied to his idiotic comment
[–]Warriors BandwagonKingKD- 251 指標 5小時前
i like how kobe actually lets everyone know how he feels and responds to stuff like this
[–]WarriorsGOAT_OR_LYNCH_HIM3 88 指標 4小時前
If he is this honest with his main account imagine the crazy stuff he is saying on all his burners.
[–][LAL] Kobe BryantNY-Kobe-6God 86 指標 4小時前
Fella like Kob wont care for a burner
[–]LakersLonzoDaVinci 965 指標 5小時前
I don"t like where this is heading...
[–]Warriors Bandwagonisavemorethanirape 436 指標 4小時前
"Fuck it I"ll lace them up and show you all"
[–]_RedditModsAreCancer 618 指標 5小時前
Kobe Bryant is better at basketball than Lebron James
[–][CHI] Derrick RoseTheRealCountVertigo 407 指標 4小時前
And there it is
[–]RaptorsAstro_Sloth 362 指標 3小時前
Does anyone shout LeBron or Jordan when they shoot trash into the garbage can? I rest my case.
[–]BullsNewPleb 324 指標 3小時前
I shout "Clarkson" because I miss every time
[–]LakersGiveMeSomeIhedigbo 25 指標 3小時前
You joke, but I"ve seen people use this as a serious argument.
[–][BOS] Sebastian TelfairJayLarranagasEyes 61 指標 3小時前
One grown man seriously told me that "Juicy J doesn"t say "Lebron James on the Cavs" he says "Kobe Bryant on the Lakers now that"s paper""
Check mate. Kobe > Lebron
凯尔特人球迷:楼上这算啥,一个都已经成年了的哥们曾经很严肃地跟我说:“Juicy J在歌词里唱的是[湖人队的科比住我家旁,这就是哥有米的实锤",而不是"骑士队的詹姆斯"。没话说了吧?科比就是比詹姆斯强!”
[–]Bullsthreemileallan 189 指標 4小時前
Why not? Its the truth. If we apply James Finals win rate to the hypothetical if he played in the western conference.... he would only have 2 or 3 finals appearances at best.
[–]LakersLonzoDaVinci 91 指標 4小時前
I don"t dispute what he"s saying, just that this is a bad time for a LeBron vs. Kobe beef.
[–]WarriorsPlatypus81 95 指標 4小時前
Kobe fans vs. LeBron fans beef.
[–]jsung2 142 指標 4小時前
I prefer Kobe beef. It’s so tender. Not to be confused with kobe’s beef.
[译注2]Beef的原意是牛肉。Kobe取自日本的地名神户。Kobe Beef则是神户牛肉的意思。但Beef也有争吵/争论/掐架的意思,而同时,俚语中的Beef也有二八的意思。该网友在这里玩了很绝妙的文字游戏。
[–]lakeshow9 711 指標 4小時前
The number of 50 win teams that a player has beaten in the playoffs goes: Kobe - 25, MJ - 20, and Bron 13. Competition/era matters
[–]LakersSuperplex123 382 指標 3小時前
There was a time when the 8th seed has 50 wins in the West. It"s insane.
[–]WarriorsMrWakey 358 指標 3小時前
Oh, that year the Warriors won 48 games and missed the playoffs? Yeah, I remember that one.
[–]zeezlebop2 222 指標 3小時前
Hey a real dubs fan
That’s refreshing
[–][CHI] Joakim NoahthemiddlestHaHa 122 指標 3小時前
Or the East had a playoff team with a losing record lol
[–]NBAitsgettingbadman 38 指標 3小時前
So Kobe > MJ?
[–]NBARareSir 117 指標 3小時前
We could go on all day with this stuff though. You could say kobe and mj never beat a team as good as the 73-9 warriors. At the end of the day, they all faced great competition and are each great in their own right
[–]USAdoctor_dapper 92 指標 3小時前
That’s a fact though. Could lebron have beaten that warriors team after playing quality teams like the thunder, rockets, spurs, etc.? The West always has a couple contenders and the only real contender in the east is lebron.
Some teams match up better against each other so it’s not as easy in the west
[–]NBARareSir 64 指標 3小時前*
But what if LeBron was on a strong contender in the west such as the Spurs? Yes, his competition would be tougher by default, as he is in the west, but he would also be on a strong west team himself. It kind of evens out.
Edit: When thinking about this hypothetical, we have to remember that we would be moving LeBron to the west, not one of his Cavs teams. Sure, his Cavs teams probably wouldn’t fare too well out there. But that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about putting LeBron on a contender in the west. LeBron sees a lot of success in the east because it’s not very strong. But we have to keep in mind that he also sees this success because he’s a generational talent. Put him on a contending team in the west, and he will have success
[–]CavaliersJust_Dreams 70 指標 3小時前
This is the main point lost in the "LeBron couldn"t make it in the West" narrative. Yeah, he"d be playing some better teams, but by your own admission, if the West is stronger he would also by default HAVE a better team.
[–]RocketsStopItTickles 42 指標 3小時前
Yeah for some reason whenever that argument is brought up people just think the Cavs are being moved West or some shit.
[–]celj1234 938 指標 5小時前
He ain’t lying
[–][LAL] Coby KarlCaptMarvel23 504 指標 5小時前
Yeah maybe people who have more sypathy if he went 0-6 against the Spurs in the postseason instead of 4-2.
[–]KnicksWhitePeopleLoveCurry 96 指標 3小時前
Yep you have to lose repeatedly to great teams for some to believe they"re great.
[–]Jazznosferobots 95 指標 3小時前
He sure is on legacy alert 24/7 lately though
[–]gianni_cerqueti 101 指標 2小時前
Well maybe that"s because a lot of people need to shit on his legacy to push LeBron ahead of him. Which is somehow meaningful but don"t mind me
[–]EastKruNCHBoX 70 指標 7小時前
kobe come on man spurs are not the fucking warriors
[–]MisterHibachi 186 指標 7小時前
Kobe doing his best to prevent LeBron to the Lakers right now lmao
[–]HeatmRshaker 33 指標 3小時前
Kobe was not disrespecting Lebron though. He just clapped back to a fan who thinks he would have 0 championships.
Kobe talking about LeBron’s legacy: “Legacies are built on titles, period, with no allowance"
[–]back2god 121 指標 14小時前
Kobe is officially butthurt.
[–]HeatMaydietoday 33 指標 14小時前
Kobe trying to bring 2010 back and idk if I’m going to survive this.
[–]Xlow48 23 指標 13小時前
I"m impressed it only took him 2 years of being retired to reach Big O/Kareem-level saltiness for a current player #dominatebitterness
[–]Jaxsl 13 指標 14小時前
This is why I don"t get too mad at KD for joining the Warriors because it"s a rings or nothing when it comes to the NBA
[–]WizardsVswerve27 23 指標 14小時前
Thank you kobe and idiots like you for encouraging Durant to go to golden state
[–]RaptorsAmbitiousSingh 6 指標 14小時前
Lebron should just join the Warriors next season. After all, rings are all that matter.
[–][DET] Ben WallaceColtrane811 78 指標 14小時前
Number of titles Kobe has as the best player on his team: 2
Lebron: 3
[–][DAL] Dan DickauJuniper41 35 指標 14小時前
Pau was arguably the best player in the 2010 finals. Obviously Kobe is the better player and drew more coverage, but in the 2010 finals, Kobe shot under 50% for all 7 games, and in the fourth quarter, Pau Gasol shot 10/17 (58%) compared to Kobe"s 12/41 (29%).
For the series as a whole, Pau averaged 18.6 ppg, 11.6 rpg, 3.7 apg, 2.7 bpg and 1.9 turnovers per game on 48/x/72 shooting and was a +12 for the series. Kobe averaged 28.6 ppg, 8 rpg, 3.9 apg, 2.1 spg and 3.9 turnovers per game on 40/32/88 shooting. I"m not saying Pau deserved the 2010 FMVP over Kobe, but at the very least it was arguable. Pau was incredible that series, even if it was largely in part to Kobe"s gravity. Part of FMVP is making the most of your opportunity (see, Iguadala, Tony Parker)
[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 19 指標 13小時前
You"re getting downvoted but you are 100% right. Pau was the best player for the Lakers that series but it doesn"t fit the Kobe has 5 rings narrative these fan bois love to throw around here
[–][DAL] Dan DickauJuniper41 76 指標 14小時前*
Says the guy who got 60% of his titles with the most dominant center the NBA has ever seen.
[–]Spurszipitup_and_zipitout 61 指標 14小時前
Shaq won 75% of his titles with Kobe, though...
[–][PHI] Clarence Weatherspoontheytook-r-jobs 26 指標 14小時前
Shaq won 3 in LA as their best player. How many other players get credit for title where they weren"t their teams best player like Kobe?
[–]Warriorsjustaplasticbag 32 指標 14小時前
This is so bad. You know KAJ is top 3 all-time, has 2/6 FMVP and somehow gets to be above Magic Johnson despite missing the playoffs in his prime? How does KAJ get credit for that?
[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesjamesbond0721 55 指標 14小時前
LOL Kobe won Finals with averages like 16/5/4 when he was with Shaq.
LBJ just lost a finals averging 34/10/9.
Thanks for the insight Kobe.
[–]Lakersdon_julio_randle 9 指標 14小時前
The finals then were effectively the WCF. Look what Kobe averaged there before Rose injured him in the finals, which you conveniently left out.
[–][DAL] Dan DickauJuniper41 7 指標 12小時前
He averaged 20/5/6 with 3 turnovers per game that series. He played well, but without Shaq"s 26/13/4/1/2 the Lakers would have gotten swept.
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