格里芬40万次投篮终进化,美国球迷:西蒙斯应该学习格里芬( 二 )

“你不可能当一辈子扣将,”里弗斯在2013年第一次和格里芬会面时表示。教练已经为可能到来的抗拒心理做好了准备,但实际上格里芬要比他想的更超前,早早就和他的投篮教练Bob Thate——一个笔记本的重度使用者和健怡可乐的狂热爱好者,每天躲到训练馆的角落去了。在那里,格里芬每天都要完成500次投篮,而且必须是500次经过Thate认可的“如机械般正确”的投篮。

That meant Griffin had to jump straight up and down (instead of back and to the left), lift his right arm toward the sky (instead of the rim), position the ball even with his forehead (instead of over his head) and release it at the apex of his jump (instead of the descent).


For Griffin, who was barely a 50% free throw shooter and rarely hoisted a three when he started with Thate, “mechanically correct” was a mystery. “He wanted everything done in a day,” Thate laughs. It took four years and 325,000 mechanically correct shots, plus another 75,000 flawed ones, as Thate supplied commentary: No, that’s too far back. No, that’s too low. Butt’s not out far enough, shoulder isn’t on the chin. Keep your hands up, freeze your arm.