格里芬40万次投篮终进化,美国球迷:西蒙斯应该学习格里芬( 四 )

Thate stood in the tunnel during games, and if Griffin missed a couple jumpers, he’d holler, “What do you got? What do you see?” If Thate pointed at his head, Griffin needed to shoot higher. If Thate clasped his hands and pulled them apart, Griffin needed to release sooner. If Thate formed a “V” with his thumb and index finger, balance was the problem. “Castle of jump shots, brick by brick,” became their mantra.


One day in the gym, with Griffin’s free throw percentage all the way up near 75%, he told Thate, “You know what a great feeling is? Not being afraid to get fouled anymore.” But Thate looked beyond the stripe. “Someday you’ll be the best shooter on this team, and then one of the best shooters in the league.” The full results of their labor would not be evident for years.