听说你卸掉了微博 , 又重装了好几次?消失了一周的微博热搜终于回来了 , 没有热搜的日子 , 你想它吗?
Regulators punish Weibo for cutting info about Alibaba exec's scandal
【LearnAndRecord|微博热搜回来了】China's cyberspace administration has asked its Beijing branch to punish social media platform Weibo for allegedly throttling information related to a scandal involving an Alibaba executive, according to a post on the regulator's official WeChat account on Wednesday. Alibaba is one of the social media platform's largest stakeholders.
国家网信办周三在其官方微信公众号上发文称 , 已要求其北京分支机构针对社交媒体平台微博 , 涉嫌限制与阿里巴巴高管有关的丑闻的相关信息 , 进行处罚 。 阿里巴巴是该社交媒体平台最大股东之一 。
throttle /?θr?t?l/
1)表示“阻挡;压制;扼杀” , 英文解释为“to prevent something from succeeding”举个??:
The reduction in funds is throttling the development of new programmes.
经费的削减将阻碍新计划的开展 。
2)表示“掐(喉咙);使窒息” , 英文解释为“to press someone's throat very tightly so that they cannot breathe”举个??:
Sometimes he annoys me so much that I could throttle him.
有时他真让我讨厌 , 我恨不得掐死他 。
??电影《布达佩斯大饭店》(The Grand Budapest Hotel)中的台词提到:However, that doesn't mean I'm not going to throttle the little swamp rat. 可这并不意味着我不会杀了那个鼠辈
??电影《再见 , 克里斯托弗·罗宾》(Goodbye Christopher Robin)中的台词提到:“克里斯托弗罗宾” , 如果我们勒你的脖子 , 你会说祷词吗?"Christopher Robin", if we offer to throttle you, will you say your prayers?
??电影《指环王:双塔奇兵》(The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)中的台词提到:If we let him go, he'll throttle us in our sleep. 我们放了他 , 他一定会趁我们熟睡的时候偷袭我们 。
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