Bilingual·Foreign Business|智能互联眼镜将引领潮流出行方式

小编来了!今天看到一篇文章说的是‘Bilingual·Foreign Business|智能互联眼镜将引领潮流出行方式’,特意拿来分享给各位看官,如果你也觉得这篇文章不错,记得分享哦!健康摘要: 2018-03-28 新浪财经 新浪财经 本文来源:观察者网    还记得年初H&M拍了一个黑人小孩穿“森林最酷猴子”卫衣的广告,被消费者声讨种族歧视吗?    近日,喜力啤酒也摊上事了! 他们发布了一条为低卡淡啤酒设计的促销广告,却被指带有“明显的种族歧视”的双关语。    在...


Bilingual·Foreign Business|智能互联眼镜将引领潮流出行方式


报告 | 年利达发布通向成功之路报告

Linklaters Announces The Road to Success Report 

协议 | 嘉年华集团签署港口发展协议

Carnival Corporation signs  port development agreement

合作 | 法雷奥携手初创企业

Valeo signs an agreement with start-up 

环保 | 惠普公司加入“争做‘零’跑者”

HP Joins Race to Zero 


Bilingual·Foreign Business|智能互联眼镜将引领潮流出行方式


Linklaters Announces The Road to Success Report


Linklaters, the international law firm, highlights recently in a new report that China’s outbound investment is projected to reach $1.5-$2.5 trillion over the next ten years, despite a backdrop of increasing regulatory and political concerns about foreign investment into sensitive sectors.


The Linklaters report, ‘The road to success: completing outbound investment in an increasingly regulated world’ identifies that approximately $170bn of Chinese outbound investment was announced in 2017.  


Whilst this is below the $230bn announced in 2016, it is still the second highest figure>William Liu, National Managing Partner for Linklaters in China, commented:" The increasing regulatory scrutiny of foreign investment is a trend of continuing importance and must be navigated in order for Chinese businesses and policymakers to meet their goals."


The report highlights several key trends:


Foreign governments and regulators expressing concerns about investments into an ever-widening set of activities – recently this has increasingly focused>The need to work with the right partners and use the right deal structures, but also being aware of the timing of any particular approach as political and legislative agendas change.


The usefulness of increasing transparency in relation to Chinese regulatory and business processes in order to help foreign sellers, regulators and governments to gain comfort in relation to Chinese outbound investment.

Bilingual·Foreign Business|智能互联眼镜将引领潮流出行方式


Carnival Corporation signs  port development agreement


Carnival Corporation recently signed a first-of-its-kind, long-term strategic partnership agreement with the Japanese port city of Sasebo.


Under the agreement, Carnival Corporation will invest in the construction of a new terminal at the port of Sasebo, with plans to be in operation by 2020. 


This long-term agreement supports the Japanese government’s initiatives to develop the country’s ports by 2020, in advance of the Tokyo Olympic Games.


Carnival Corporation considers its role in the long-term development of the cruise, travel and tourism industry in Asia and especially Japan as an important strategic priority.


Through our long-term investment in the port of Sasebo, Carnival Corporation believe that there is significant potential in collaborating with the government to develop certain Japanese ports into turnaround ports to promote more fly-and-cruise packages out of Japan.



This will expand cruise tourism in Japan, by enabling the region to become a key cruise hub in Asia for global travelers.


Carnival Corporation currently has the largest cruise presence in Japan, including over 870 calls in 45 ports in Japan, carrying an estimated 1.8 million cruise passengers in the market.

Bilingual·Foreign Business|智能互联眼镜将引领潮流出行方式


Valeo signs an agreement with start-up

法雷奥集团日前宣布与初创企业Ellcie Healthy建立合作伙伴关系,加速智能互联眼镜技术在汽车行业的发展。

Valeo announced the signing of a partnership agreement with start-up Ellcie Healthy, aiming to accelerate the development of smart connected eyeglasses for driving.


Valeo is already active in the field, having introduced smart anti-glare glasses that synchronize with vehicle headlights.

如今,法雷奥携手Ellcie Healthy,运用该初创企业的技术优势,研发集成了传感器的眼镜。

Now, it is partnering with Ellcie Healthy to capitalize>Teams from both companies will be working together, combining Valeo's experience in connected vehicles with Ellcie Healthy's knowledge of smart connected eyelasses. 

The aim of the partnership is to accelerate development of new vehicle applications, leading for example to improved road safety, more comfortable driving and enhanced human-machine interfaces.


The partnership with Ellcie Healthy is in line with Valeo's open innovation approach, which involves engaging in day-to-day dialogue with universities, laboratories, companies in other industry sectors and start-ups across the world.

Bilingual·Foreign Business|智能互联眼镜将引领潮流出行方式


HP Joins Race to Zero

Bilingual·Foreign Business|智能互联眼镜将引领潮流出行方式


HP joined forces with Race to Zero to take additional steps toward zero-carbon, zero-waste business practices. 


This global campaign will highlight new, measurable actions that international companies commit to take to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and waste in their direct operations and supply chains, particularly in China.


Race to Zero is an initiative of the U.S.-China CEO Council for Sustainable Urbanization, co-convened by the Paulson Institute and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.


The goal of Race to Zero is to inspire sweeping action among global businesses to take>As part of the Race to Zero pledge, HP will be committing to take actions such as adopting Science-based Targets, switching to low-carbon energy sources, and working with suppliers to increase resource efficiencies in their factories and properties.


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编辑 / 武亚东

来源 / 经济日报(采访人员陈颐、朱琳)

Bilingual·Foreign Business|智能互联眼镜将引领潮流出行方式